Betwixt them both the faire Medinasate With sober grace, and goodly carriage: With equall measure she did moderate The strong extremities of their outrage; That forward paire she euer would asswage, When they would striue dew reason to exceed; But that same froward twaine would accourage, And of her plenty adde vnto their need:So kept she them in order, and her selfe in heed.
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To whom he thus:ôfairest vnder skie, True be thy words,and worthy of thypraise, That warlike featsdoest highest glorifie. Therein haue Ispent all my youthly daies, And many battailesfought, and many fraies Throughout theworld, wher so they mightbe found, Endeuouring mydreadded name to raise Aboue the Moone,that fame may it resoundIn her eternall trompe, with laurell girland cround.
Deadly dismayd, with horrourof that dint Pyrrochleswas, and grieued ekeentyre; Yet nathemore didit his fury stint, But added flamevnto his former fire, That welnigh molthis hart in raging yre, Ne thenceforth hisapproued skill, toward, Or strike, orhurle, round in warelikegyre, Remembred he, necar'd for his saufgard,But rudely rag'd, and like a cruell Tygre far'd.
He hewd, and lasht, and foynd,and thundred blowes, And euery way didseeke into his life, Ne plate, ne malecould ward so mightythrowes, But yielded passageto his cruell knife. But Guyon,in the heat of all hisstrife, Was warie wise, andclosely did awayt Auauntage, whilesthis foe did rage mostrife; Sometimes a thwart,sometimes he strookehim strayt,And falsed oft his blowes, t'illude him with such bayt.
They forward passe, ne Guyonyet spoke word, Till that they camevnto an yron dore, Which to themopened of his owne accord, And shewd ofrichesse such exceedingstore, As eye of man didneuer see before; Ne euer couldwithin one place be found, Though all thewealth, which is, or wasof yore, Could gathered bethrough all the worldaround,And that aboue were added to that vnder ground.
But to delay the heat, least bymischaunce It might breake out,and set the whole onfire, There added was bygoodly ordinaunce, An huge great paireof bellowes, whichdid styre Continually, andcooling breath inspyre. About the Caudronmany Cookes accoyld, With hookes andladles, as need didrequire; The whiles theviandes in the vessellboyldThey did about their businesse sweat, and sorely toyld.
But whence they sprong, or howthey were begot, Vneath is toassure; vneath to wene That monstrouserror, which doth someassot, That Dioclesiansfiftie daughtersshene Into this land bychaunce haue driuenbene, Where companingwith feends and filthySprights, Through vaineillusion of their lustvnclene, They brought forthGiants and suchdreadfull wights,As farre exceeded men in their immeasurd mights.
Her sonne Sisillusafter her did rayne, And then Kimarus,and then Danius; Next whom Morindusdid the crownesustaine, Who, had he notwith wrath outrageous, And cruell rancourdim'd his valorous And mightie deeds,should matched hauethe best: As well in thatsame field victorious Against theforreine Morands heexprest;Yet liues his memorie, though carcas sleepe in rest.
Likewise that same third Fort,that is the Smell Of that thirdtroupe was cruelly assayd: Whose hideousshapes were like to feendsof hell, Some like tohounds, some like to Apes,dismayd, Some like toPuttockes, all in plumesarayd: All shap'taccording their conditions, For by those vglyformes weren pourtrayd, Foolish delightsand fond abusions,Which do that sence besiege with light illusions. 2ff7e9595c