It's not a game-breaking problem, but it does make things a little difficult to follow at times due to the fact you're already dealing with characters that are quite small on a handheld screen. There's also a little bit more chugging along in the fps department in portable mode. Again, it's not a massive or constant issue, but it does slow down here and there during big fights and, combined with that variable resolution and the sometimes tiny size of characters on the screen, it's definitely a little harder to relax with than playing in docked mode.
Darksiders [portable]
When thinking about some of my favorite hack & slash adventure games of last-gen, Darksiders and Darksiders II pop up in my head. The story was unique, and the combat was satisfying with creative level design. For whatever reason, I never picked up Darksiders III. So here we are in 2021 and Darksiders III has been ported to my preferred portable gaming device. This is why I held off on reviewing this game until my Nintendo Switch OLED arrived. At least 90% of my gaming on the Switch is in handheld mode and I wanted to experience this horrid creature-infested world on the new vibrant OLED screen.
It's high season for Nintendo Switch. The first half of the year has seen countless ports pour onto the portable hybrid to varying degrees of success, from surprise announcements like Saints Row to games that run on pretty much everything by now, such as Resident Evil 4. Publishers are flocking to the system as quickly as possible, and as such, quality is not always a priority. THQ Nordic isn't a stranger to ports and remakes for older games, so it's not a huge surprise that one of its stronger IPs makes the jump first: Darksiders. Released on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 in 2010, the game has quite a few years and an excellent current-generation remake on its track record. Thankfully, the Switch implementation seems to have received an equal amount of care.
Darksiders occasionally strives to make things interesting. I found most of the shooting sequences to be rather annoying, especially when playing in portable mode with the Joy-Cons, but your mileage may vary. Enemies vary slightly in different areas, but prepare to meet known foes numerous times, making the repertoire of enemies feel more restrictive than it actually is. Boss fights are usually great set pieces that require mastery of recently learned techniques and feel like a deserved culmination of the current area. It's a bit of a mixed bag, but it does a lot more right than it does wrong.
Tout d'abord, il s'agit de préciser qu'il s'agit de la même version que celle publiée en 2015 sur consoles, et testée à cette occasion, donnant le sentiment d'un portage un peu paresseux. Dans l'ensemble, peu de choses différencient la version Switch des autres, si ce n'est qu'elle fait ressortir toute l'évolution technique des dernières années. Cette version du titre ayant presque cinq ans, on s'attendait à ce qu'il tourne parfaitement , même si on imaginait bien que les graphismes dénoteraient des productions plus récentes. Sans suprise, c'est le cas, puisque le titre parvient, sauf à de rares moments, à rester stable à 30fps grâce à un framerate adaptatif, y compris lors des combats, lorsque s'amoncèlent les effets visuels provoqués par les techniques de Death et les ennemis. Les changements d'échelle se déroulent sans soucis, et la Switch n'est réellement sollicitée qu'en mode portable. Les menus sont de leur côté identiques, ne demandant que quelques minutes de prise en main pour s'y retrouver, même en mode portable.
Turns out the portable DS may have just been a dress rehearsal for Nintendo's latest home console, the Wii U, which blows up the dual-screen concept to living-room size. It goes on sale in the U.S. on Sunday, starting at $300.
Essentially, the GamePad functions like the bottom half of the portable DS, with triggers, buttons and the touch screen offering additional information and an added dimension of control. In this comparison, your living-room TV would be the equivalent of the DS' top display.
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