How to Download Årsopgørelse from Skat
If you work or live in Denmark, you need to file your taxes every year. Your tax assessment notice (årsopgørelsen) is a summary of your tax for the past year, showing your income, deductions, allowances and tax paid. It tells you if you are entitled to a refund of overpaid tax or if you have paid too little tax last year.
Downloading your årsopgørelse from skat is easy and convenient. You can access it online through E-tax (TastSelv), the self-service system of the Danish Tax Agency (Skattestyrelsen). In this article, we will show you how to download your årsopgørelse from skat in a few simple steps.
download årsopgørelse fra skat
When to Download Årsopgørelse from Skat
Your årsopgørelse for 2022 is available in E-tax from 13 March 2023. You can download it anytime until the end of the year. However, if you need to make any changes to your årsopgørelse, such as adding deductions or income, you have to do it before the deadline of 1 May 2023. If you make changes after the deadline, you may have to pay interest or penalties.
How to Access E-tax (TastSelv)
To access E-tax, you need a MitID or an E-tax password. MitID is your digital signature and the key to digital Denmark. It is a single login for Danish internet banks and government websites. You can obtain MitID at your bank or at a Citizen Service Centre (Borgerservice). If you are under 15 years old, you can use an E-tax password instead. You can order a password for E-tax at - 'Log på' (Log on) - 'Log på som Borger' - 'Bestil kode' (Order password).
Once you have your MitID or E-tax password, you can log on to E-tax at - 'Log på' (Log on) - 'Log på som Borger' - 'TastSelv Borger'. You can also use the link below:
How to Download Årsopgørelse from E-tax
After logging on to E-tax, follow these steps to download your årsopgørelse: - Click on 'Årsopgørelse' (Tax assessment notice) in the menu on the left. - Select the year you want to download, for example 2022. - Click on 'Hent årsopgørelse som pdf' (Download tax assessment notice as pdf) at the bottom of the page. - Save the file to your computer or device. How to Check and Correct Årsopgørelse
Before you download your årsopgørelse, you should check if the information on it is correct. Skat automatically fills in your årsopgørelse based on the information they have received from your employer, bank, pension fund, etc. However, there may be some errors or missing information that you need to correct yourself.
To check and correct your årsopgørelse, follow these steps:
- Click on 'Årsopgørelse' (Tax assessment notice) in the menu on the left. - Select the year you want to check, for example 2022. - Review each line of your årsopgørelse and compare it with your own records, such as payslips, bank statements, receipts, etc. - If you find any errors or missing information, click on 'Ret' (Correct) next to the line you want to change. - Enter the correct information and click on 'Gem' (Save). - Repeat this process for any other lines you need to change. - When you are done, click on 'Beregn skat' (Calculate tax) at the bottom of the page to see the updated result. How to Pay or Receive Tax Refund
After you have checked and corrected your årsopgørelse, you can see if you have paid too much or too little tax last year. If you have paid too much tax, you will receive a refund of overpaid tax (overskydende skat). If you have paid too little tax, you will have to pay outstanding tax (restskat).
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To pay or receive tax refund, follow these steps:
- Click on 'Årsopgørelse' (Tax assessment notice) in the menu on the left. - Select the year you want to pay or receive tax refund, for example 2022. - Look at the line 'Resultat' (Result) at the bottom of the page. It shows if you have a positive or negative amount. - If you have a positive amount, it means you have paid too much tax and you will receive a refund. Skat will automatically transfer the refund to your NemKonto (Easy Account) within a few weeks. You can see the date of payment on your årsopgørelse. - If you have a negative amount, it means you have paid too little tax and you have to pay outstanding tax. You can pay online through E-tax by clicking on 'Betal restskat' (Pay outstanding tax). You can also pay by bank transfer or giro card. You have to pay by 1 July 2023 to avoid interest and penalties. How to Download Previous Årsopgørelser
If you need to download your årsopgørelser from previous years, you can do so in E-tax as well. You can download your årsopgørelser from the last 10 years, starting from 2013.
To download previous årsopgørelser, follow these steps:
- Click on 'Årsopgørelse' (Tax assessment notice) in the menu on the left. - Select the year you want to download, for example 2021. - Click on 'Hent årsopgørelse som pdf' (Download tax assessment notice as pdf) at the bottom of the page. - Save the file to your computer or device. - Repeat this process for any other years you need to download. Tips for Filing Taxes in Denmark
Filing taxes in Denmark can be confusing and complicated, especially if you are new to the country or have foreign income. Here are some tips to help you file your taxes correctly and efficiently:
- Check your preliminary income assessment (forskudsopgørelsen) at the beginning of the year. It is an estimate of your income, deductions and tax for the current year. You can change it if your situation changes during the year, such as getting a new job, moving house, having a child, etc. This will help you avoid paying too much or too little tax throughout the year. - Keep track of your expenses and receipts that are tax deductible. You can deduct various expenses from your income, such as transport, work equipment, union fees, donations, etc. You can enter them on your årsopgørelse or on a separate form called 'Opgørelse af personlige fradrag' (Statement of personal deductions). - Report your foreign income and assets if you have any. You may have to pay tax in Denmark on your income from abroad, such as salary, pension, interest, dividends, etc. You may also have to declare your foreign assets, such as bank accounts, property, shares, etc. You can report them on a form called 'Selvangivelse for personer med udenlandsk indkomst' (Tax return for persons with foreign income). - Apply for tax relief if you are eligible. You may qualify for tax relief if you meet certain conditions, such as being a researcher, a key employee, a cross-border worker, etc. You can apply for tax relief on a form called 'Ansøgning om lempelse efter dobbeltbeskatningsoverenskomster' (Application for relief under double taxation treaties). - Contact Skat if you have any questions or doubts. Skat is the Danish Tax Agency and they are responsible for collecting and administering taxes in Denmark. You can contact them by phone, email or online chat. They have a special service for foreign taxpayers called 'Skattelinjen' (Tax Line). You can find their contact details below:
Downloading your årsopgørelse from skat is an important part of filing your taxes in Denmark. It shows your income, deductions and tax for the past year and tells you if you have to pay or receive tax refund. You can download your årsopgørelse from E-tax using MitID or E-tax password. You should check and correct your årsopgørelse before the deadline of 1 May 2023. You can also download previous årsopgørelser from E-tax if needed. Filing taxes in Denmark can be tricky, but with some tips and guidance from Skat, you can do it smoothly and accurately.
We hope this article has been helpful and informative for you. If you have any feedback or questions, please leave a comment below. Thank you for reading!
What is årsopgørelse?
Årsopgørelse is your tax assessment notice for the past year. It shows your income, deductions and tax paid in Denmark.
How do I download my årsopgørelse from skat?
You can download your årsopgørelse from skat online through E-tax using MitID or E-tax password.
When is the deadline for downloading and correcting my årsopgørelse?
The deadline for downloading and correcting your årsopgørelse is 1 May 2023.
How do I pay or receive tax refund based on my årsopgørelse?If you have paid too much tax, Skat will automatically transfer the refund to your NemKonto (Easy Account) within a few weeks. If you have paid too little tax, you can pay online through E-tax or by bank transfer or giro card.
How do I download previous årsopgørelser from skat?
You can download your årsopgørelser from the last 10 years from E-tax. You just need to select the year you want to download and click on 'Hent årsopgørelse som pdf' (Download tax assessment notice as pdf).
What are some tips for filing taxes in Denmark?
Some tips for filing taxes in Denmark are: check your preliminary income assessment (forskudsopgørelsen) and make changes if needed, keep track of your tax deductible expenses and receipts, report your foreign income and assets, apply for tax relief if eligible, and contact Skat if you have any questions or doubts. 44f88ac181