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FinalBurn Neo ROM set (2023-06-11) -[^2^]


Fixes an issue that live migration from earlier Oracle VM Server versions to 3.3.2 leaves Linux PVHVM guest in a hung state. The fix is delivered with newer Xen package (xen-4.3.0-55.el6.22.18 or later). (19517860)

1 H Berlin Orfjnn OrfjnnHe OrgnuJl OrguiilieHe Jl Was Va as Finally Put to Death DeathS DeathOet0 06tr6t S > lpefatntoHr 04rtb1fg Oct m A revolutionar revolutionarilemphstratlon vIut1ontr vIut1ontrIemThtratIon WtIonarS WtIonarSemP11l1tratton >ilemphstratlon IemThtratIon was 1flDd made Monday night wptoo nightl 1 t t1y1y l > y oo 4 00 untn university r8Uy students th the oojaaten OMUIofthln oaaSonhiIk oojaateninhln hiIk in the anniversary of o the Czar Czars preci1n1aUon procamatlon prec preclumationlumation establishing the De DeFiery Dui DuiFkry Douma DoumaFieryFiery ape speeches heti were nia made in 1 which whichhe whichlehe le e speak speakers rs declared war to the knife J biKeiJnt knifeigulnst lltCe lltCegtJnigulnst gtJn iJnt t Czarism The gaOnrins dlpezsdiiIng dispersed dispersediTiglng ed ediTlglngiTiglng the HMa Marseillaise lIlise In anticipation anticipationof anticIpRtIOt of t trouble in various parts of the empire empireaa 1 lelebraUon le ratJGn of the da day troops troopsZCEfltrated were1jJctntrated were werevaLceutratedvaLceutrated ZCEfltrated ut l all danger points to be Deto ber berto r pared to put down own disturbances There Theredd been n threats that revolutionfstt revolullonIsUIId revoIuLkniIsd revolutionfsttrrrr Id > Jd d att attempt mlt demonstrations ainotgovernment against againstfcfc government on the occasion of thJnNvorsar thlatvrsary this thisjiiuversaryjiiuversary and the authorities did net nett nittend netendt end to take an any chance cba cbaT1e chancesT1e chanceTiieT1e garrisons at all the larger cities clUese cltlecre citiesrcrercre cre e Telnfor reinforced and the orders to therops theTJops the therjcpsrjcps instructed them to fire nre in case ef att of4Ub1 efroublerouble t 0il II For fortyeight hours hftwe hftweXocuted elte h s sxcuted TWS TWSxooutedxoouted Duda it Is claIm cJaJmc4 daJmeSk was 1rUtflld waseted wasSVfc wasSVfcitneditned tflld to horrible tortures Bjr T1M the po poIe gotrip ao aoStripsIe kin were torn f from rpm kin ai1 eI arad arms armspdI pd d 1 legs 8 and redhot trans werej were aypKad aypKadinin j n a L spirit of 0 f wanton tl11ton cruelty Wadafttg Wadafttgvasva vas 1 Inserted in his wound and tllesaOu then thentt ot ou tire to add to his I4 tortu tortur torture 1ons 1onsttrk ARg ARgtrksr ttrk trks uks WCT were c also driven underbIII underbIIIils under his fle1 fle11ib ftjsjef ftjsjefiilsiils ils and then hot sealing waxor wax wan wanptud trait traitiHuoUiHuoU IntJ ml b o these c holes and IUJdLndfl ud i iArt left tSJ tSJijidfnor Lndfltl ijidfn + f 1 1AftAft tl r tbe police oflce had exhausted everTja every everyaja > a i of at torture t their 11 Ingenuity could de dei doI de devisvis i I uJit lud > was u A8 executedDEFENDS eXecutedDEPENDS executed executedDEFENDSDEFENDS CANNED MEAT MEATIhklsh IdEAThhl MEATUlitiMilIhklsh hhl b Scientist Waras urls the Public Publict luhHcainst Pulilietgainsttgainst ainst t Greater Danger In Koort Koortijinun Pool1Ljl PooilOCtLjl ijinun lh Oct 2DT Dr Sir Frederick FrederickTiv erIdtT Frederickddr055iflgTiv T s Addressing addret the lb National Health HealthSo HeakhttjSo ttj t i ty I y today ridiculed t 1ed the recent out omr outugaint> irtuay everybody is indifferent to the theii r greater gT er dang danger r in food and milk laden ladentu 1Meuti1 ladeniti1iti1 tu deathdealing germs germsThe germsTh germsThThe Th nublte said be > does not seem to toTT r Iind swallowing naU Vtinc anything it can not see seeilik eeell1k see111kilik an nd l meat m t as now tnsanitartty sup suprlkd RIPT1kd supriledriled swarm with bacilli of typhoid and andthcr aa4thr andthrthr diseases u but as they tl1e are invisible invisibleTnf S invisibleI 186bIe 186bIetTnf t 1f kf public ublic dees dc s not care Canned Cannedvrhieh meats meatshih mestshhvrhieh hih contain floor sweepings 8Wee end ether etherDlth otbernltl otherilthDlth are hnnles ht > nnIesI he declared because becausehey becau8eTT hey hc are cooked u t ked and probably 1 were werealthy werealLt werea1thralthy alLt before cooked cookedPeople cookedPeopJ cookedPeoplePeople he added are straining straIn1n at a asuat auat auatsuat uat and nd swallowing a cameL The naent pres presnt prenntnt treatment of meat before it is eaten eatenis eatelfisis i not in the least more sanitary than It ttas Itas Itsas s in the days of the neolithic UlJ c cave cavevoiiers caelJer caveVONvoiiers voiiersVON lJer lJerVONVON BUELOW DUELOWUNFIT UNFIT FOR DUTY DUTYJerniauys DUTYfcrlWU1n DUTYfermnuyaJerniauys Imperial Chancellor Con ContinBos Contbuos ContinaoatinBos In Poor Health HealthH HealthrrIt HealthHrllnH rrIt Hrlln rlln 1 Oct 21 2ILittle Uttle reliance hi placed placedTon placedpcn placedpcnpcn tht th > > optimistic reports as to the piTy phykal piTycalcal 11 condition of the imperial chancellor chancellorIvti cban cbanII Ivti u since S i his breakdown Jo n the Relchs RelchsJ Reichi1lrJ ijf g nearly n rly six ix months ago Prince Prlqee von vonJuljv wnJ vontuiJuljv J tui udJT ha been b residing at Nordeney Nordeneyiia >1J his hi friends and medical advisers advisersjiikft ah ahlik advisersIikejiikft lik Iike adwii duh that be Is not in ma a fit state stateio tatio 1 cone pc with the dotes dtIof of his o oftIee nce as asi a1 yr yrThc yrtihere > riThc ihcre is u great Hat arrear of work in all sitS a1 a1II 4II S i partnjents L rtmenl S as lS a 1 consequence of the set setiutiit setof1 iutiit ot many man qu qUtStJona 1UMfl5 iMnxd i fnJ mull unt the th chancellor s probable probableturn probablet probabletuinturn t rn HIlt it I II now no seen tftl that tba this will willlux will1tlux 1t V to I IK t t dealt with by tbe secretary secretarylotlot I 01 r foreign f roh1t affairs i and other ministers ministersAlthough mu1ersthugh i i1thughAlthough thugh the prince pri will be in his place placerix Irix I uKuil in tl tl1ot Reichstag during the com comi COIDI COIDIlig cornHgi lig Hg is session 1 sluu be is tOt expected e ted to tajteIimh taM taMmuIimh 11 mu Udl h i part > art in debate fba te his physicians having havingM havingfld II M > nvd fld him against doing so soHUNGARIANS soiUTNGALIANSIHUNGARIANS REJOICE SEJOIOEThe REJOICETheThe Return of ItalcocxyM Remain RemainCreates lteinn1nCrenteCreates Patriotic BfTerveaeenee BfTerveaeeneeUudaPesth BtrercceneeUudnPesth lSffervc3cenecUudaPesthUudaPesth Oct O t 2 9TOO > Tho highwater highwaterMark ht highwateruik water I IjrkMark jrk jf f Hungarian patriotism in recent recentcars recentar I Ilan> cars ar was reached today t da when the bones bonesi iI i 1 th Prince l e Bakocsy were wereI wereroughtI rough t horn Th passage of the th funeral funeraltraiii funer funeraltraIi d dtraiiltraiii wus jiiarkcd by b ovation after afterI ova ovatic1 tic it Tbe urotession pn IOI tUI On in the tb street of ofiuOaPeatl ofIudaPesth I IJiuOaPeatl J took ptecv pIa plac in brilliant brilliantweather brlltlaDtfather brilliantvejtherweather and nd was nUi wita witnessed ssed by byPe iOMOC iOMOCjvople OOIIIOlpejvople Pe Pk many of whom bona were gorgeous o nostunK nos aMt costtnwstunK tunKTh t ttnws ttnwsTl ln1t ln1tThTh Tl cntir Hungarian Huna 1an nobility nobUlt wore worePrtfont Wtren weteptsntPrtfont n nt anti ani i t6 i lnt > nt mart hni h in the procession pr Thin Thintrd I1a111tnd Thisttrd t the ma 1IJagnltkent niticent Illumination at night nightvt 1 nightvtrvw > vt vtrv > rc view VkWd d by b Emperei Jo mPErot Fnind Iran Jo JOfIpeJs JOfIpeJsfmi Jospeafltlt peja pejairimifyirimify irimifyThe fmi fltlt fltltTteThe he omplt t u uecei c s of tin tb day tJa in inKuduPest ini in1udPesiliKuduPest i t1t Pe8th h was as marred by 1J the strttcirg strttcirgtrain 1It11kJr 1It11kJrfan atrtkIrgalntrain aln and underground road rmploy f111 f1111olicern ernpIoyolkernei s s1ollcemc1ollcemc 1 lirtm 1 Irtrntu Tt T > u and In some In Initaiicw Int1I inpscntritaiicw t1I ptcscnsrrs Pt snlft wr w r ri rtwd tmo and andnurn cars carsfrturneti esrorturneclfrturneti frturnetiKaiser nurn rturneclha d dlialterKaiser ha Ier Honor King Brother UrothcrHrln BrotherHrIla BrotherIrtiHrln Oct aEmpror Empror William 1 ilia has hasiaiod hastt iaiod 2 llK l Duke of t tI1 > nraught j ught a AcM neidmarshal fteldnUIiob1 AcMniuba1marshal ol the Prussian irmy Jrm an a honor honoritiat Onorl honorrititiat rit l is i rarely ntrcl ccnftrr cCinft nd d on foreigners forebjnersi fo foLmpeOt foreignersLmpcroi LmpeOt mperor Francis Frl is Joseph being ng the th only onlyhr onlyher nly nlyhthr cue ue holding similar Mmflarrank Mmflarrankherald rank rankHerald rankUcrahtHerald Want Ads AUsiii Adsii ds dsilliii ii bE r reel Cv wd Vt d 1 V t and P tU t jw w iUiU aa prcawtly prcawtlyaed pnm tl f fI IiedI aed oj to the mam main office ftk quan quantify qiallI quantIty tify tI at the best best and their chief chiofln interest interestie r rIiie 1 the fact that her proeaneo pro enco In tho tht city citybrings cltybrings 1brings a flood of curious sightseers who whoare whoare j jreare re good spenders and who leave large largesums llU llUstim6 larssumssums of money mon behind them which whichbelpod cvh1clthelpedhelped Ipod to keep up the town Therefore Thoroforetlkey Thereforethey rhOf toro torotJIe Ithey tJIe all declare the stories gtori s that the die distinguished me met dietinguished t tinguished guiabed priestess of the t1 Christian set Science cl clice I Ieneeence ice cult is at the brink of death and andhas ihas 113 not appeared personally in public far faryears ferYenl farlentsyears Is a bare R e fabrication And it may maybe mayb ma3bebe b but it lia lNl8 not yet b betn allin alvin A Frye Mrs Irs Eddys ddrs footmen fftotManaeeretary fGUMneratary footmensecretarysecretary and the man saW Id to be the tlrtr therisIr rtI l power behind the throno of the em empire empire empire I pire of Christian Science seen today but gave out a statement in inwhich I lusiiIck i iwhichwhich which he repudiated the charge that he heis 1 1Ifis using ualD Mrs Eddy ddY as a toot denied that thatshe thatshe I Isfeshe is not in tho best of health and andmind andJltlud andmindmind branded as a lie the statements statementsthat st SahM 5t 5tthat Ui i ithatthat Mr Mrs Parmeifa J Leonard has been beenimpersonating beenImpersonating 1 1imperaouUncimpersonating Mrs Eddy EM in the dally car carriage carrIaSe siri riage i rides rlc1 and that a a Boston cancer cancerdoctor cancerd cancerdoctordoctor d etM has been paying weekly week visits to totl tothe tothetl the e Eddy home to attend the aged lady ladyScientist ladyScIentIst I ISclentlstKScientist Not ot Greatly Disturbed DisturbedNew DbtnrbedNow DleturbedNowNow York Oct 29 39CJarlatlan Cbrhulan Scientist Scientistin SchnuaInin this city today declared they tbe did not notexpect notexltOCt notexpectexpect Mrs re Mary Baker G Bddy Kdd to live liveforever Ueforever liveforeverforever that they were not disturbed disturbedby d ditUrbedby turbed turbedDrby Ole report that she was all but deid deidf dedfmm deidfromf from om cancer acer and that she was wa being Im Impersonated 152personated personated sonatecl by b i rs Parmotlit J Leonard Leonardaa Brooklyn Scientist ScientistTbe ScientiatThe I ITheThe Interest IN I whether Mrs Eddy ddY y the thefounder thefounder I Ifeullderfounder of Christian Science lives or ordies orm ordliidies m originated they explained In the thspopular U UMpU1ar thepopularpopular conception tbat she must show showactual showaetniI howactualactual physical immortality to justify ju y rer t tertheories rertheories r Itheories as to the superiority 8 perlorlt7 of the spirit spiritover apIrtover I Ioverover matter and the possibility Ifbftl of the themmd themind themindmind triumphing over over W disease and Del death deathChristian d deathChristian ath athCbntlanChristian Scientists Sde tJ stated today tCHI that thatMrs t thatMrs bat batInMrs EddY did not claim immortality immortalityShe ImortallShe hmortal1tySheShe has written that in her Judgment Judgmentthe jud Judgmentthe t ttbftthe faithful and entire fulnllment oC oCher o oher ofherher teachings will extinguish h death but buthas buthas buthashas added that for herself btr lt tbt ah h cannot cannotsay cannotsa cannotsaysay sa Semi S me of o the Scientists Sclen when wheaque wheaquettoned ques questioned quo quotloued tioned as to their belief b Ud in Mrs Irs Eddys Eddyspower EddY EddYOwer I Ipowerpower to defeat death explained their theirunderstanding theirunderstancllng theirunderstandingunderstanding of the matter thus thusWe tbU6We thusWeWe can only wait and see We do donot donot donotnot sute su te our eui belief one way or the other otherEverything ethEftlYthlQ MhmEverythIngEverything is not clear to us CnrlsUan CnrlsUanScience t UirisUanScience J1sllaa J1sllaaekee IScience ekee is a growing grOhg belief and as we wegrew weW wOrewgrew rew W we shall 11 comprehend comprehendR CDmp end endRR R P Verrill V rIJI of the First ChristianScience C CititIsuScleflee Christian rMttaaScienceScience Church at Ninetysixth Iftel txlh street streetand streetand streetandand Central Park k said todiy that New NewYork NewV NewYorkYork V ork Scientist were satisfied tint Un t the thenewspaper thonewspa thenewspapernewspaper newspa story to7 of Mrs Eddys Eddy physical physicalstate pyslcaIstate yIJkal yIJkal5tatestate 5tate the impersonation of Mrs Leaoard Leaoardand ienfaad LeO Td Tdandand that Calvin Fry Fryt formerly Mrs MrsEddys MfliEdds MrslddysEddys footman and later secretary IeCf and andspokesman andspoke andapekeemnspokesman spoke man was the real head of Chris Christian Cbrttlan chrisflea flea Science and the recipient of Mrs MrsEddys inEddys MrsddyEddys ddy s income of l I000I LMMtt a year ear Were Weredisproved Werelisproved werellsproveddisproved disprovedCRISIS lisprovedCRISIS llsprovedCRISISCRISIS NEAR BAR IN VENEZUELA VENEZUELAGenGen Alcantara Alcantara Is Beady to Succeed SucceedCastro SuooeedOastro SuoceedCastroCastro by Force ForceCamping ForceOaHIIIlug ForoeCztinplngCamping Just Ontsidc Outsld Caracas with withSeveral wltbSecrnl withSescralSeveral Hundred Trooi FroomWgir rOOIJar War Is IsProlmblc JIIrrohnlle IiProlnlIcProlmblc When heft President freitlent Dies DlcwNew DlcHN DiesNewNew N W York Y rk ork Oct tcabIed CaWed advice from frombaraeas fromauac fromzombaraeas zom report a sittwtion Miqation tqatle amo aMOUIIt amounting ntnig to tograwe a agrave a acrIIIagrave crteta stftectrng ct MetIh vast Amerieaa 4tm de fi fiteresU lit litteftt Ih IhtereteresU tere m Is Vs V Vpre8JdelAt mi bi v vPresident r rPresidentPresident Ca Ca8fti caMi tra to spite of recent de denials de deJliaLJ donIaIm nials te said lei to be paralysed and anabte anabteeither UMbieeither nshIeetihereither la waUc sr to spealc esk lie Heeeaa HeeeaaIltUnicats com communicates coinmizaicate municates his desires by feeble writings writingsand w wnd writingstindand his true condition te I held a State Statesecret Stateecm Statesecretsecret secretSr ecmSp1e secretSpiesSpies Sr i ag n agents nts l representing ntJDS other othercountries otJaercountriN othercouutrieecountries and foreign corporate interests interestshaunt latereet8haunt Interestshaunthaunt the thet palace palaceAt palaceAtAt t the suggestion of Castro himself himselfGen lalelfGen himselfGenGen Alcantara is camping campht just outsidethe outside oatlWethe oitsldethethe city eft of Caracas with several eral buadred buadredUoope btllllfnodboo bundrediiooiboo iiooi and his present acttviUee UvltJes premise premiseaa coup detat similar r to that which made madeCastro 1qdcCutN nadcCastreCastro l President PresidentAlcantara President4tlcantarais t tAkaataralsAlcantara Akaatarals is Castros Castro s choice for dictator dictatorand dictatorand dictatorndand nd the troops tr controlled COA by him will de decide de dedde dodde dde the issue unless Gen Joan Vicente VkenteGomez VlcetaleGo VicenteGamesGomez Go consents c to enlist tile people to a acivil advU acivilcivil war warGen warGen warGitflGen Gomez is the constitutional eo Vies ViesPresident VicePresident TJce TJcePresidentPresident of Verunnela and tbe great greatmass peatmua greatmassmass of the people favor fa him hh as chief elatdmbslstrator ad administrator adminlotrator ministrator but present indications are arethat arethat arethatthat he will have to flsht ght bt the forces under underAlcantara mtdeorA1cantarL underAIcantXraAlcantara AlcantaraGOVERNMENT A1cantarLGOVERlmENT AIcantXraGOVERNNE1TGOVERNMENT IS DEFEATED DEFEATEDIloqsc DEFEATEDIIOQSC DEPELTEDHouseHouse of Lords Divides on Religions ReligionsFeature ReUgionsFeature ReligionsFeatureFeature of Education EI1tlcntlon Bill BUILondon BiULoudon BillLondonLondon Oct 3 The government was wasdefeated wasdefeated wasdefeateddefeated tonight in a division in IIIHo th thHouse th4 th4HouseHouse Ho of Lords on the education bin Ute tbecrux Utecru thecruxcrux whereof was the gitostion of com compulsory compeleory cornpulsory pulsory religious reIt us teaching m in the public publicelementary pabltce1ementa17 publicelementaryelementary e1ementa17tJMIer schools schoolsUnder schoolstJnderUnder the bill as it left the Home of ofCommons ofCO otCommonsCommons CO llDOU children were not compelled to toattend to toattend toattendattend school during dUl the time devoted to toreligious toreJlsIoue toreligiousreligious instruction An amendment sub submitted submitled b bmitted mitted to Ole House of Lords reversed rcvsvsedthis rever8etIthte reversedthisthis and it was carried by a vote of c cto 2K 2Kto 2i 2itoto St The majority included the arch archbishops ardtbhtbopl archbishops bishops a a score of bishops bI and almost almostthe aImcMtthe almostthethe whole organization organisationThe of ftiationTheThe incident inaugurates the long fore foreseen foreseen loisseen seen tussle between the respective ma majorities DIIljorltleos majoritles jorities in the two houses on the educa educaUon edtJeation educathouthou question questionHTJM4N questionHIDUN questionBIThWTHTJM4N HEADS AS TROPHIES TROPHIESWarnin TROPHIEStrl1ing TROPHIESWarningsWarnings Warnin trl1ing i to Rebels Displayed at atGathering atGathering atGatheringGathering Places 1 lnees In Tangier TangierTangier TangIerTall TangierTauterTangier Tall r Morocco occo buman wnan heads ghastly butl trophies trapbl of the theprowess UteJiroweA theowesiJiroweA prowess owesi of the Sultans troops in the re recent re rent iscent cent nt lighting 115 against the troops of the tlwPretender HiePretender thePretenderPretender are being exhibited here pub publicly pubtidy publidy tidy In the city They are intended In ndecI as a awarning awarning Iwarning to rebellious subjects These Theseheads Theseheads I Ilindsheads were brought in a government governmentsteamer goernmentsteamer I IMetLmetsteamer from the Riff coast Ct8 t of Northern NorthernMorocco NorthernMoroccoMorocco At nearly every e Vtr point where wherecrowds wherecIOwda whereVowds Icrowds arc accustomed tti gather one or ormore ormore ormoremore more of the heads is displayed displayedHKES displayedLIKESILIKES AMERICAN DRIOAN MONEY MONEYKaiNcr IONEYKaiser I IKahicrKaiser Invites Endowments from fromOur fromOur froiiiOurOur Millionaire MillionaireBerlin 3Ii1IlonaireBerlin IIIUonnlrejliIkrUnBerlin Oct t TeU U year American Americanmillionaires AmericanmIil1onaAre IQR IQRmilll11tatirPsmillionaires that th they y can not find ad a bet better btticr t tter ter outlet for their jrarpiua wf surplus ua funds than Utan ui uithe 1ftI intheI the endowment of chairs In the tTniver tTniversity rnlv rnlvi tulversityi 8It sity of Berlin said the Kateer J a to Rev RevDr ReI RevDrDr Dloki pastor of o of the American AmericanChurch Americani AmirkenChurchIi Church Chur h in this city at the conclusion of ofthe ofI ofthI the th inaugural lecture lecl by b Prof John rOJm AI W WBurgess WII I Burgess au of Cotnsabi C Iw the t first t oecapant oecapantof oesepsntof pant pantIof f the Roosevelt elt chair of American His History 1 1Or Illstory I tory OrI toryStabbed toryStabbedI Stabbed St 1Jblcl for Spelling SIJ 1Ung Xante Wrong WrongChicago WrongCblcaao VrongChkaaoChicago Oct tWcanc Because Uftthe the desk deskirgeant desks1eant deskII irgeant at the stock yards peUce P pIc eta staoa taI etaII oa pelted tlf1en d his name roe wron wroD wro Ferdinand FerdinandUrqubardt Fwrdnta FwrdntasI I s Urqubardt trqu ardt nabbed and frsrlotisly frsrlotislyounded Mrlouslyounde4 eoriousLywonidedounded that ofScer oMce yesterday Y Urawliardt Urawliardtas C UrfflaMtwas ltahU ltahUii was as brought t ia on 01 a charge of disorderly disorderlyinduct dhJ diserderlyccnduct rderlyl induct aud nd when tbe seragant se wrote wroteis wGtehisibIs his is name down Uruart he whipped ht ped out outkulte outa outaa a kulte and d struck him in the breast He Hes I Ilislis I Is s now accused accQ of ota f u murderous murder assault iWRIGHT RIGllT TO BE TRIED TRIEDAleandlia TRIEDAloxallIIiaAlexandria Negro N agIO Said to Be BeMrs BeMrsMrs Gooclings Assailant AssailantAISO AssailantALSO AssailantMSOALSO FAOES MURDER CHARGE CHARGEXegro CHARGESegro CHARGEegroXegro egro Johnson Jobn on Still at Large LargePtllla LargePtllladcllJlln Largc1411ndclpbia PliHa PliHartclnhiartclnhia StrlUebreakers Persuaded Persuadedio Perln oded odedtoto Go Home nomeIclle Idle IScjpro cro Filled 50 50Druggist O ODrugglli ODruggistDruggist Fined PJned for Selling SeIlln Cocaine CocaineInIn Medicine lec1leJncnronIls Brovms Funeral Held HeldUASIIIKCrrOJ JIcldWA81U Heldwsl1IgaToUASIIIKCrrOJ WA81U crrO 1IHRALO BUUEAU BUUEAU1XK nrltEUlliJ BUiEUwillwill 1XK TslHfram Ill IISAlexandria lliJ lliJ0ar1Ift Illcersrr0ar1Ift d lrtI aM It1 Miesti MiestiAlexandria li li1exDdriaAlexandria Va Oct tJoseph tJosephThomas Joseph JosephThomas Jos pft pftThoThomas Tho colored alias 1 John Wright who whowas whowas whowaswas recently turned over o r to the Alexnn Alexnndrta AJe Alexnn1 Alexnn1dila n ndrtdrta County authorities by Chief Justfiae JustfiaeClabaugb Ju Justl le leClabaup a aClabaughClabaugb in the District Supreme Court Courton Courtonon a requisition from rein the governor of ofVirginia orVim ofVirginiaVirginia Vim win be placed on trial Wednes Wednesday WedMSday Wodnesday day morning at 10 oclock oc k in I the Alexan Alexandria J1txandrla 4Uexandna dna County Counl Circuit Court on the charge chargeof chargcof chargeofof attempting atteJftptJ to attack Miss M Mabel MabelRisfey MabelIWley MabelJURisfey JU now Mrs Deeding OoodtD near Luna LimaPark LunaPatrk LunaParkPark several weeks ago The principal principalwitnesses prt pr1lpsiwitnesses pal palwitnwitn witnesses 8OII for the prosecution pr ecutton will ill bti b Mr MrGoodinf M MGoodIna Mrs MrsGoodingGoodinf and her husbaod Forrest log who was her companion the evening eveningofof the attack Both have declared rcut that thattheir tbattheir thattheirtheir identification of the man as being beingtheir beIDatheirtheir assailant was complete completeThe completeTheThe principal effort of the tb defense 4e1 It Itstated hi histated I IMatedstated will be to prove an alibi alibiThomaa aJ aJThoml8 allisThomasThomas te al o > under u Ckar indictment tDdletJMbt10r for the themurder emurder themurdermurder of Jackson Bossy colored eoIOre4 and andfor andfor andforfor other offense offenseIt ofteuesItIt had been feared that an effort might mightbe IQIcttlbe nhIhLbebe made to lynch Thomas alter he was waaplaced WUplaced wasplacedplaced in Jail here but since then thenhas there therehas 111 111baahas been no indication of any an trouble ot otthat etthut ofthatthat kind kindJohnson kindJohnson kindJohnsonJohnson Still at Large LargeNotfetag LargeotIatac LargeNothingNothing otIatac had matertaMsed n p to a laid laidHour litbCNr kLOhourHour toalgbt t t so far as was fctwvfti At Atthe atthe atthethe pottce station tat the effort of the e local taealauthoriticaJ JoaJauthorlUeato localauthorlklauthoriticaJ foUow up what was thewsht thewshttoto be an important tuI clew kw concerning COIteen r tile tlwwhereaboitta tltewh tilewhereaboutswhereabouts wh ie iegrosro who murdered urde Charles Cbarl4 T Smith on onOctober 011OctoIttr onOctoberOctober 38i It was learned this evtftt evidngtbt v ttag ttagthat t ttbatthat the police department ft atlll at atwork atortt atworkwork ortt en this particular line of Investiga Investigation IftVWUgaUoa Inveatigatics tics the success stc esi or failure of which With Withprobably vttl vttlprobably 1 1JUObabbprobably be known In a short time It ItIs ItUIICIentood1 Is understood that some Informatfea l tocUOIteen bus busbeen hoebeenbeen obtained which wille nay throw light lightupon Ucbtupea lightuponupon the movements of Frank RoIIItMOftthe Robmson Robmsonthe Roblneonthethe negro who wag tile compainioa cesou of ofJohnson ofTobuOD ofJohnsonJohnson the night of the murder UJder and id who whois whois whoIsis wanted 1W ted on the charge of complicity comp dt7 in inthe Itthe Inthethe crime crimeStrlkulirqaker crlDO crlDOStrJkchrQakcN er9neStrikebrgnkersStrlkulirqaker Go 0 Hume HumeThe HoUlct homeTheThe local situation t in the strike of ofehiWeta ma machinittachinitta 1 ra on the Southern Railroad rataaips rataaipsabout raisaipsaboutabout the same iuie as a to the past week The Theunion TheUDIoI1 he heunionunion men n ecntlane tlaae to dissuade mart of ofthe ofUte ofthethe strtk4 strikebreakers > reakers brougb1 here by the thecompany toMCOutpaay thecompanycompany from going to work Fourteen Foten1DICIIaI Fourteenniechanica Fourteenmechanicmechanic ca arrived In Alexandria AIe this thismoraine tJIls1110I thismorningmoraine 1110I from Philadelphia for the pur purpose JtIIIt purpose pose it is said 14 of preparing prepa severs several r pew JMrwlocomotive JWWfor pewleesmotivelocomotive for service rvief They The were oem eommunteatrd C01IImtlDieatd oemmaulcatedmunteatrd with by b the local strikers and andafter aIMIafter andsitesafter being bel informed of the cs eestleun 4ltkMM UoM ex existing rxI8UDC cxhating hating they tbe declined to go to work Later Laterthey LaWthey Latertheythey left for Philadelphia PblJadel lUa Ten of ofaIxt7 the tbesixty thesixtysixty targeclass Ju aa freight engines mctaNpunlta8td recently recentlypurchased veceullypurchasedpurchased by the company are BOW waIt wafting waItIn waitbig big m In th tile yard ard ber here r e for adjustment ad 1mt of ofbefore Ofare ofletorcbefore they are ai ready for service serviceHeavily serviceheavily 1a 1aUCnHeavily UCn Fined lii nod for Idleness IdlcuenaTwo IdleneIJTwo IdlenessTwoTwo cases consequent upon the move movement IIIOWmeRt meremeat meat started by the police to disarm disarmIdVi tIIMr disarmIdleI Idle negroes roes who gather In certain certal a resorts resortsthroughout resertsthroughout a a1roucboutthroughout the city were W heard before beforeJustice beforeJutJce beforeJusticeJustice Caton in the t e Police Court C urt this thismorning th thmo thismorningmorning mo and In each a An flue of iO 0 was wasimposed 1 1tmpoeed wasImposedimposed A negro who gave his name as asEllis allElba asEllisEllis West was one of the defendants defendantsIt L LItIt was testified that be had been discover dlscovered discovereM ftr ftrtded with a p pair ir of iron knuckles in his hispocket blapockeL hispocketpocket The other was Robert Withoont Wltboeutwho WUtooatWoo Withoontwhowho was apprehended It was testified testifiedwkh tesUdedwith Ifted Ifted11t11with a large antiquated but danerou daneroulooking dangerous dangerouslooking aserou aseroutoHtoH looking revolver on his person personSix er erSiz personSixSix negroes n charged with gambling gamblingwho paabU gamblingwho S Swhowho were rounded up Saturday night by byChief byChief byChiefChief Goods and Oncers Jones Knight KnightNicholson Knl KnightNicholson bt btNlcholleRNicholson and Young were called in the thePottce thePoUce thePolicePolice Court this morning Five failed failedto fall9dto failedtoto answer wer and forfeited 55 collateral each eachand techSlId eachsadand the other was u toed that amount amountSold aaao amoUntoId Dt DtSoldSold oId Cocaine In Medicine MedicineA U dlelne dlelneAA 4 toe of m 7 Th was a imposed to the Poke PottceCourt PokeCourt PoliceCourtCourt this morning upon J A Dleoeit Dleoeita DIeoeJtK Dliiiaa King K street druggist on the chars charsof charge cb8rftof chargeofof tiling catarrh powder alleged aUeg to 1 1fain con contain CODtaln fain a small percentage of cocaine tl tltarDey At AttmnoV i iterneyterney Gardner I 1 Booths who appeared appearedfor appearedfor appearedlotfor the defendant noted an appeal a l and andthe atldthe apdthethe case will 111 be heard m In the corporation corpont1oncourt corporatiOncourt corporationcourtcourt Mr Dienelt took the stand and andsuited nQdS1t aisdsitedsuited S1t l that the powder hi question was wasa wu wua wasaa proprietary preparation put up In Inpackages IIIpacka hipackagespacka packages which bore bo ne indication of the thefact thefact thefactfact that t at the remedy contained cocaine cocaineHe cocn1aelle cocaineHeHe asserted a that as soon as the nature natureof JNltureor natareofof the preparation had been bee called to his hisattention h1aattetttion lilaattentionattention he bad dbconUnued its sale saleCorporation saleCorporatloc saleorporatlooCorporation Counsel Samuel P Fisher np appeared nppeaftd nppeered peered for the city dt at the hearing hearingWashington 11811ng1Vas1alngton hearingWashington1Vas1alngton Washington Chief Thanked ThankedAA letter expressing CX1W535 the thanks of the theAlexandria theAex theAeirnirlaAlexandria Aex ndria board of Are wardens wanle for the theassistance eUattance theapitstnceassistance Uattance rendered by byChieC Chi Chief f Belt and Mr MrRobinson MrRobinson Ir IrRoIJIMOJIRobinson of o the Washington Wl1 lire depart department departDent departmont Dent in the purchase of a steam eagno eagnofor eug eagnefor Dc Dcforfor the local department has been sent sentto wentto senttoto Chief Cbf f Belt by A A A A DewnUam secre secretary 811C1etar secrear tar ar of the tJa board It is stated chat the thenew thema thenewnew machine ma hlne Is S equal to any of its class classm elaNit classlitm it the country OO1UItr and that it would have havebeen Itllve1Ioen havebeenbeen Impossible for the board to have haveKnown havetaOwn haveknownKnown of its qualities without the benefit benefitgratuitously tetleftttuhot liesietitgratuitouslygratuitously tuhot ly afforded A40 of the wide Wkleo experi experience oxpcrlonce perl perlof once of Chief Belt In such sue matter matterBrovrnH matlerllr mattersBrownsBrowns llr nrt Funeral unera Held HeldThe lIehlThe lieu lieucc The remains of ofnftttd Isador Brown who cein ceinmtttxi cgiDrtttmtttxi rttt suicide at Lebanon Pa wore In Inferred hitrred intrred trred this morning fliOTUifl in I the Jewish conic cemetery cetnttm conictory tory near this city It Funeral Funera111er1ce services wet wetheld were Wlreat wereheldheld at 11 oclock o llkk at the residence rest4en e of Ms Msniece ht8Mn hisnieceniece Mrs Charles lJead l3endbetm > ndhim lm 812 8l Prince Princestreet Prlacestet Princestietstreet Rabbi Stern of Washington Wa lngten of officiated otacted of1ted acted 1ted and the pallbearers nbearers were Messrs MessrsLoai M MLu MeagsIAII5Loai Elchberg Isaac IIft Schwara B B Well WeilK WellK relt reltWoUK K Woilberg WoU r Frank Varftdd and Robert RobmArnold RobprtAmok RobertArnoldArnold The servWe servkes vk were attended attftlcI d by bymany bartftY bymanymany friends tr1 n4ti and relatives IaUV88 of the deceas deceased d ded dOosaseel ed and by a delegation from rein George GeorgeMason Georpll GeorgeMasonMason ll n Council ouRd11tonJ Royal Arcanum of which whichMr wideliMr 1aI1t 1aI1tMrMr Brown wars a member memberMurderer 1Rf1btJurdcrcr memberMurdererMurderer Wants 7nnts Xcw Trial TrialArgument TrialArpment TrialArgumentArgument will 111 be heard tomorrow tomorrowmorning toiiarrewmorning > W Wmombtmorning before Judge Barley in the Cor Corporation Corponitiol1 Corporatlen poration Court on a motion rot a n new newtrial newtJia1 newtitaltrial In tho t h ease of Howard Banks cot coti colttred ciitiredi tired red who was recently found guilty of ofhaving ot1uJ1R ofhaving1uJ1R having murdered Uroeftd i negro named Thomas TlwniasKhsey 11 11r ThomasZlseZlse Khsey r UniesB the motion te grmnteO the thedefendant t1 t1tfendant thedefendantdefendant will probably be sentenced IICDt to4te to4tehanged tobehhnged tobe tobehangedhanged as the th verdict rdtct wa wu murder in the theflrst thftfirst thefirstfirst degree Attorneys AUorne 1I Machen Ma n and MCA Jlcaeuee MCAW MeauseW11Ieuee W useW11I will make J ke argument for the th prisoner prisoneralways prlfltniorlways prIsqnrAiwasalways Aiwas lways the same sameTharps same sameTharps sameTharpsTharps Pure PureBerkeley PureBerkeleyBerkeley Rye Rye12F12 12F F St N W Phone Phon Mara 114 114Special 1141 1141SpeciaJ 1141SpvcielSpecial Private Deliver Deliverywhile Commonwealth Common 1th Attorney Samuel G GBrent GBrent GBrentBrent and Attorney R D Brumback will willappear wUlnppoor willappearappear for the plfosocuUon plfosocuUonIt oseouUon oseouUonItIt is stated that the Masonic lodges of ofPetersburg1 ofPet ofPetsrsburgPetersburg1 Pet r8burg made extensive preparations preparationsforfor the entertainment tonight in Masonic MasonicHall MasonicROon MaSOfliOHallHall there in Il i honor of the visit 1sn of Grand GrandMaster GrondMaster GrandMasterMaster Komper of this city The occa occasion oceaIon occaslon sion Ion marked the 119th anniversary Annlv rsary of tho thogranting t116granting thograntinggranting of a charter to Petersburg Lodge LoflgoNo LodgeNoNo 0 Jl JlSpecial 15Special IL ILSpecialSpecial vesper r services serIc under the auspi auspices Auspleta auspiecu eta of Fitzgerald Council No 9 Q Knjghta Knjghtaof Kt1Sb Knghtsof s sotof ColumbUH will b bIJ held next Sunday Sundayevening Sundayoenlng Sundayeveningevening in SU St Marys Iars Catholic Church ChurchTho ChurchTho ChurchTheTho sermon will be preached by 1 Rev RevFather Revfttber RevFatherFather fttber Doyle of Washington WashingtonNEhlO WashingtonNEdRO WashingtondRoNEhlO dRo ESCAPES SOAPESPROM FROM JAIL JAILHorse JAIL1I0rJe ThILhorseHorse Thief Arrested Here Gets GetsAwiy G GetsAway ts tsAwnAway Awn from f oD1 HoeUvllle old Md h1 Jail JnlSptcfel Jailg Jail5ilg Sptcfel l to The VMbiMjtoa Herald HeraldRockville IlftaJclRockvUIe BraidRockyllheRockville Md Oct 9 ILawrence Lawronee John Johnsen Jonson Jollapeeson colarcd who was arrested in Wads WttsliIngton WltshIlgton WadsingtonIngton recently rocellU and ludged in Jail l tore horecharged torecharged herechargedcharged with stealing 1St 1I a horse owned Ot ed by byMr b31rs hiNisMr Nis 1rs Aiyla SlIM of BrookevJHe Mont Monteromory iont iontgomory ont ontGOmoryGOmory County escaped from Jail here tteratnde hereaNUl heretbdtnde tbd about 1 och oclock > k and though a avigorous aI avigorousI vigorous 1P oua search rb for him has II been bee mad madho madebe made madehehe ha has not yet yet been recaptured recapturedAsAs s Jailor Trull let the prisoners out outint outI outlateI fl int A the back yard of the th Jail he went wentbock WelltiJc westbackbock iJc into the th building bulld 3 preparatory to dir distributing fftgi dirtributing i tl41MztJD tributing their dinner dinnerThe diRftflI dinnerrhoI The jailor was out of Johnsons sight sightabout lptHut sightghoutabout Hut nfteea minutes mtn and In that time th thnegro ills ttatln illsnegronegro n sro had scaled N about twenty lwenl feet of ofperpendicular ofuJar ofperpendicularperpendicular uJar stone wall 1 jumped to the theground tMpound Usegroundground on the outside and lid made his hi hia es escape cecape a cape A stick found In the fastening tute of ofctie of1Je ofP110ctie 1Je whnljrw looking Into the yard and a ah aIrb adbe4Irb dbe4 h landed were the tb only on I evidences of bin binceape h hiscoupe i ieapecoupe eape The other prisoners who were let letout letut letoutout Into th t tbe yard Y had returned to the thecorridor 1Jttocorrtdor thecorridorcorridor of the t jail before Johnson J and andalt an anall eelallall say that they th did not see him hll get getout setout getgutout The Washington police have e been beenuctlfted bunuct11kductlfted to be hi r 11 n the lookout for or Johnson JohnsonNICE JobaoaNIOEOLD JohnsonNIGENICE NIOEOLD OLD MAN LOCKED 01 01BenevolentBenevolent looking but Charged Chargedwith Oharg Chargedwith d dwithwith Swindling at Poker PokerRobert PokerRob PokerfloburtRobert Rob rt Murphy UUfl1a Sr His 1IJ Son ois and andHarry I nisdHarry ud udJlnrrHarry Jlnrr IivJngston lvJngat nc 15 h Baltimore Police PoliceSpKfcl VolleepeQdSpKfcl te 4 The Wkdusgtoe w Wshi lienU lienUBsltlsaow IIwBa Uos1LBaireBsltlsaow Ba Md Oct 31 1WMq Wheq Chief f of ofPolice cp ofPotIoPolice p Grant A Osjnne of the ttsiame ttsiameand ikidisars ikidisarsend J JucIand Ohio Railroad and Capt JIWw ioneiL r > wei of oftbe oftiae ofalirondtbe railroad secret CIet service wafted tro U1t p to toft to totlDoklD tobiKvokntIosklngft Uenevolent biKvokntIosklng looking pamAen mdon station and 1 accosted bta him > this tbMmoiwhts tNtbe thismoesingmoiwhts tbe old gentleman thuwprd UPfIb ills hJsDfuwDfuw on the Ib platform and and1VJIat ssld ssldWbat imidWhatWhat do you mean by b speaking g to me meI meII dont t know l sow you youBut youlint u uWeBut we We knew you replied pUed Chief Og OgNne 0Jhae 0glineline Youre Robert Murphy sr One of ofmr ofmrmr 111 man has your son n Robert Murphy jr jrthere jrat jetherethere at at the gate and weve aim a1 o got your yourpmi yoarlat yosTsKllat sKl who M says his name te Harry LJvmg UvIqtteM Uviagst LJvmgsrtow7tteM srtow7 srtow7This sttteMrJdaThis is an outrage outra e exclaimed the thebenevoIentlooWng thet thebeisevolsntIooktngbenevoIentlooWng t old olclltnUemaa gentleman excited excitedlr txcUedIF exItediplr ip stroking re1da his long gray beard what whatbuiliiesu nrha4bushiem bat batbaTebuiliiesu have you with me meSame meold meSaintSame old thing tlU Murphy urph replied repliedChief repaledOW repliedchiefChief Ogjtoe Youre wanted want for swb swbdBsjg awls IWIac1IID awlsding >ding paostniFirs Jr 1 W on the Baltimore lthnore and andOhlq andOb andolilsiOhlq Ob Railroad Theres 1bere a warrant out for foryxt forIII700 yxt ta Xartinsborf your son and this thisnew lidsAvtnpteftc thisnewnew feHe filinw > w LJvtagstonc are m hi on H It and andM aada an4asM ymfpe you such a S nice quiet 111 eW Id gentleman gevttemaaTT 1 know you wont rOII object to walking waI Ing down downto dwnto downtoto pottce polIs headquarters arten with us Captain Captainofof Detectives Pumphrey l > wants to t talk Jlt to toywu tAtJ toyouyou ywuForFor several er1J month according inl to the thestatement thelltatem thestatementsstatement lltatem DtH Murphy jr and young Livingston have havebeen havebeen Ye Yebeenbeen working workln the ftx fixed hand card game gameon gameonon nasntnavrs 3 Htt n on the Baltimore and a Onto Ontotraveling 0bJtrae1lD Ohiotravelingtraveling burr W Vs V and Baltinorr BaltinorrGITtPEPEE BaltiiDoftCULPEFER BaItI OTr OTrCUIJPEPEBGITtPEPEE TO GET SCHOOL SCHOOLRandolnhMacpii SCHOoLRnndollsbIncpn SCHOOLRnRandolnhMacpii Rn System S Ntem to Locate LocateInstitution LocnteInstitution LocateInstitutionInstitution > iear ear City CityCulpeper cu cuCulpeper C1t7CulpeperCulpeper Vs Oct t Chancellor Wit William W11Ham WitItem liam Waugfa Smith of Jte laMCIIpIa laMCIIpIaf1C NeadsiphMacmi NeadsiphMacmioystem dolpbJI con confcystejnfcystejn of schools in Virginia was bare baretoday Aereto heretodytoday to day sad accepted a the t e site lit for the thelocation Ut Utloeatten thelocationlocation of another school her bert in the theRandoiphMacoq tMRandoIJllbacoa theRandolphMaconRandoiphMacoq series of schools schoolsTbe IICbooleT1ta schoolsTheThe site lite si of the proposed school te forty fortyacres fryaer fortYeerieacres aer of toad a quarter of a wile inU south southot lICHIdaof southofof Culpeper on 0 a beautiful eminence eminenceand elllteacaad emissocssndand was donated bv b E C Brook and andRussell andRussell i iRUMdtRussell Smith of Culpeper CulpeperChancellor CUI CdpeporChaac r rCbaCba Chaac Chancellor eellor W W Smith said te citi citizens ddZ6a cliiZeiss zens it was an ideal place for the location locationofof the school building INtWla It te in sight oftbe of ItUM if ifthethe Southern and Chesapeake Nke and Ohio Ohiorailroads Ol Ohiora1rsds a araUlOIodarailroads and where whe a station will be bebuilt iNlmfJt bebufltbuilt for the th accommodation of the theSChOOlF theschool theschoolsschool schoolCOLCOL ROBINS IS DEAD DEADBiCommnnder DEADExCommander DEADBaCommanderBiCommnnder in Virginia rslnla Cavalry CavalrySuGonmhs C1nlr C1nlrSncoumbs CavnlrSuccumbsSuccumbs to Heart Jlea t Disease DiseaseSixrial D Dhscas Dhscasto JenIlC JenIlCSpctia1Sixrial to It The HwfctagteB mioatse HcsM HcsMRIehmoiHi K KRleilQlOncl MtidRichmondRichmond Va Oct eCoI CoJ William T TRobins TRobIAs TRoblmRobins ded suddenly Sunday morning morningfrom JIaOrnlnren morningfromfrom ren heart disease at his home a 314 east EssFranklin etFrankJID eastFranklinFranklin street He bad long been a snf snfferer 811efern esiffeverfern and his death dfoa th was s not unexpected unexpectedHe un xpected xpectedHeHe was commander comma of the Twentyfoort TwentyfoortCavalry TwentfoarlkCavah7 TwentyfourthCavalryCavalry under Gen Job Stuart Stuart and has ias 9 9gallant 3 3gallant agallantgallant record oord His last public service IJervleeA serviceU ervic ervicwas Uve Hue n Th The he arc arcburned Arc80 flre1riiedburned so rapidly that the contents wore woreconsumed woreOOntumed wirooonzumedconsumed entailing a los l SIIJ of S2MC The Tlieresldenct Therwldent Tileresidenetresldenct wax pa rtJalb partial > tiali > hwwed hwwedDles ifl5UtdDle d dDiesDies Dle from iuntfhot Wound WoundSpecial Wound53vtil VonnrlSpceiaJSpecial to Jltc Va ammrt tiwva na lictaM lictaMPrrderlcksburg JleraldfiIn lletMFredericksburgFredericksburg fiIn rIkbuJ1 Va Oct From the theaffects UJerl shesftertsaffects rl ts of n jnmshot m hot wound received receivedabout rec receivedhoqt ve4 ve4aabout a rcxk k upo in an altercation over overa OVfd Overaa dog d with Jam ford Cvunty C IUU Raleigh Cooper tiled at his hisborne hisoo hishomeborne oo C in t this thl 41 bcqii I arresixl frd end rd is oonttnod in tl Ute c city cityjail c1t c1tjail I IjailjailMIBSI I1u Kate Crlglcr Passes A tWitT ray raySm 11TSm al 11 1 u l > Tec be UMbistbMi I limM limMGWp UtnJdqd lietsiddpeperGWp qd dpeper per T Va 3 Oct 9liss Miss Kate Crfg CrfgJdT rig ig igbr11 JdT f one of the oldest residents of this thiscity thiscitycity e1t died d Here today in the elginyfatii elginyfatiiyear e1gbt olghtyflhyear 6I year jear of her age She h wa was SA distinguished Ulstjngaishftdamong distinguishedamong tsthig ISb d damOngamong a large cin1 lrd ot friends frl nds and ac acquciQtancgs ccII quciQtancgs qu nt n for net strong Chrartan Ch dan char character cb1r1Nr charI 1 I acter and many ntan acts ac of charity ch rltyHOB RO llvU NAVAL lirilnU AYAL QFFIG OFFICERS OFFICERSTvo vlllvj vlllvjs vlllvjTwosTwo Trusted Mail Orderlies OrderliesBecorcled OrderliesRecorded OrderliesII Recorded as Deserters DesertersKEESTABLISH DesertersREESTABLISH DeserteisREESTABLISHREESTABLISH CUBAN OUIJA CREDITIinport CREDIT OlEDITl1wortIC CREDITImportsImports from Europe Have De Decreased Decreuu Becreased creased creuu f1 hut Coaattvine CO hlfJe Trade TradeShow TradeShow TradeShowsShow Increased Activity AcUdtrRcllorts AcUdtrRcllortsI Reports Reportsiiof the Revolution in Santa Clara ClaraIs ClaraIsIs Greatly Greatl 1Exaggeratcd 1ExaggeratcdHavana EinffKeratcd EinffKeratcdHavana Exn geratccl geratcclHHavana H lana QcL 2sCnarIe6 Ciiarles N N Fernald Fernaldand Farnaklaud Fernaidandand David A A Harrison mall orderlies orderlieshave orc1erUehae orderliesIsavehave disappeared taking with thorn it H Halleged I IUgod iiallegedalleged Ugod IU liakmglng to ofllc oftlcera rs of the thecruiser thecruiser thecruisercruiser Brooklyn to wfeich wtlck vessel v the s saeondfng ib ibscoodhig It ItnJaeondfng nJ men were we attached attachedF altachedFernald attachedFernaldF Fernald rnaTd and Harmon wejp we 9 intrusted intrustedwith flltrualrlfth iyftruitidttliwith ttli the money for mailing t to Uw United UnitedStates UaltedSfr UnitedStilesStates Sfr on October a since which date datethey clawthey datetheythey have net returned to the entfaer entfaerBoth cntIMrBoth endsesBothBoth art > new recorded on the ships shipsbooks s1dpiboohs p pbookbooks book as deserters desertersBoth f1e desertersIheth ertenDetBoth registered atered as yeomen yet Fenmid Fenmidfjwm Ferpal4fmm Fernald1emfjwm Atlantic A Ue City N J anti Harmon Harmonfrom HannoaCJOm Harmonfromfrom Huaclton Ha = Pa PaSmall PIaSmall PaSmallSmall Bouts Arc rc Active ActiveThe 4tIvcThe thc thcTheThe custom house oAtctals oak can not notcertify notttC1 notcertifycertify ttC1 exactly what lines of Imports hnporUwere Iwtporblwere Importswerewere decreased by the revolution but butnroviatoDfi butprovltdoDs butprovisionsprovisions dry goods oo4If machinery and andarticles lidartkl sadarticlesarticles artkl of luxury arc supposed su to have havedecreased Mvadtereued havedicresaeddecreased more than anything else Opin Opinions Oplowna Opinions ions differ as to the rsestabHatuaent re ree tabliabmunt of ofconfidence oCCOA ofcoudeiieeconfidence COA although it ls 1 claimed 1a19d that a apood aJadex ahOOdhOOd Index of the feeling in the country countrydistricts COIIftUyttr1cts esuntryitrictsdistricts ttr1cts Is the t IIIC IuerenaaetIY1ty jcrease9 acilvUy Uvtt7 noticed noticedamong Otkedamoes noticedamongamong th the schooners eaa engag ttpmr H h lit coast coastwise cottitwise t twlee wise trade It Is I alleged sed that the im imports 1mJOrta tinlions ports frees Europe Etlro 1loLe have also fallen f JleaTIM off offThe offTheThe Dtecnsieti considers slce1l that credit has hasbeen lIPbeen bsabeenbeen recslfbitehed by the action act of the tbeCnltttJ thetnlU4 theraisedCnltttJ Stoics StoicsGov S Sla1sCcvGov Go SIunooii In Busy Busy0ov nU Busyoar Toar Mageon has asked U that at t copies of ofte utIe ofthete laws Ie regarding duds be furnished furnishedbJhn furnishedWin alMdInWin in order that he b may see the extst extsttN xlst t tof11 tN ejMdtions of the t queetteo qut The 11M gov gover pverHr goverPerer erHr > r went to Mariei yesterday 1M and par partaok part partdolitaok t of t a Cuban CW breakfast The Die Dteeusiep Dresrea Dieessisoeusiep regrets that three fte revolutionary revolutionarygenerals revolutIonaryg tU1e1uu7 tU1e1uu7ofgenerals g rais of the war of l IsfT bare e jest t their tfeeirMrtUoHc theirUosss r rPtU8NPtU8N MrtUoHc Uosss owing to the changes e in the thear Uacr thebusaur busau ar au of ofCkR prison prisonOen iitt3iuGeLGeL Slontalvos resignation as com comOtander COIaQIaIJder cornuiauderOtander of th presidio has been accepted acceptedby acceptedhY ed edGovby Gay Magoon to take efiTect Nov U U1tr 111k l ltictic will be succeeded by Ltoui Warden Wardenwho W Ww Wardenwhowho w will assume oomssand temporarily temporartlyatat a leastRevolution least kutI leastRevolutionRevolution I Xot ot Apprehonded ApprehondedToe Pt1rehuncledTIaeToe report received here this afternoon afternoonstating atteraooaatadntr afternoonstatingstating that 1 1t6 negroes had arisen arisengainst artaeDphlat arisenglisitgainst the provisional government pnm WDt to the tbeprovince thep theprovinceprovince p of Santa Snt Clara and that It was wasfeared W Wf wasfearedfeared f J Cubits Cubti affairs Caln wowd have another sssaU emailsl sssaUsispd81 sispd revelation on their hands seems seemsto eet eceemtoto have bees greatly at exaogcvatsd exaogcvatsdThat exa exaagcrstadThat c ed edThatThat Alarming Report UcportThe HllwrtTIM ReportTheThe report referrsd to wa Wall as follows foUowsSeveral roaowaSewra followsSeveralSeveral hundred buD IPd negro revolutIonists rcve4vUonistahave nwtudOPleiaban revolutIonistshavehave taken up arms against the provi provisional pnwtIIoDaI previslonal sional government in Santa San Clara ClaraCaJlla and andCamaguey andCamagneyCamaguey e prevlaces ll rs Ir he tyooMe has hasbeen hasbeenbeen caused c Uftd by b the claim of the negroes negroesthat negroesthatthat their officer o r received pay from the theprovisional theprUllelunalprovisional aJ government for or their services servicesinin the recent re ot revolution Te luUon but the shot INK the thecommon tbccom thecommascommon com soldiers weir not remembered rememberedsimilarly reme remeslmllarI rememberedsimilarlysimilarly similarlyTHINKS slmllarI slmllarITHINKS similarlyTHINKSTHINKS H HE WAS DRUGGED DEUGGEDSailor DRUGGEDSailorISailor Sailor Clark Pound Beside Dead DeadWoninn DeadWomanWoman fomnn Held as Witness WitnessSew WItticsenp 1t 1tYerkSew enp York Oct 9Cttaton C Clark Clarkthe Clark Clarkthe tiarkthethe sailor from 1pm t the battle ship alai Indiana Indianawho JJMIIaDawho Indianawhowho was found lying beside an unidenti unidentified uiddentled mhle tl tlfted fied ed dead woman in Riverside Park at atSeventyfifth atgeftDtJftfth atSeventyfifthSeventyfifth street yesterday yftt morning morningwas morningwas s swaswas examined to today s by Coroner Shrady ShradyClark ShradyClark ShradyClarkClark who te twentyone years old old hi a apowerfully apowerruu apowerfullypowerfully built man and la above tbe tbeavf tbertaP theaverageavf average rtaP rage sailor intellectually He said 1eI that thathe tbottcouW thatbehe could recollect nothing that happened happenedteto him after taking a drink m a Bowery BowerysaleoN Boweryat BewerysaIosaIo saleoN at 6 oclock OR u Sunday Sun a evening eveningwith eveoInsIlk eveningwiLlswith Ilk an a army corporal whom he had met metIn mdIn metInIn a sheetIng saUry saUryWhen IIITWkn galleryWhenWhen he left tt Ute Indiana 1 Clark said saidhe aid aidhe saidhehe had 87 U Of this he spent t tW possibly fi fiWhen 1 1When =When W he recovered consciousness after afterbeuv afterlOUM afterbetsbets found by the noUce be had only 5 5left t4 t4left left and this tltl he had bidden 1ft m his stock stockInge atockIp stockingInge ing He H thinks be was drugged d as ha haremembers h hte horemembersremembers te mben aecnnuely everything eery he did didup tll tllup didIup I to the time he took the drink He Hedenies Heden Hedessisidenies den any knowledge kDOw g of sestog the theuoman thevomaa thewomanwoman who was found dead d beside Mm MmThi dmThe himTheThe coroner was w much puzsled to ac account act account count t for some slight injuries they found foundon fOlndon foundonon Clark Hto HI right ankle was swollen swollenand swell swellud swollenandand evidently pained laed him He said that thattt thatIt thatItIt was caused eau by b rheumatism and show showed showed showesl ed a cut in the shoe that he made two t we or orthree orUlree orthreethree weeks ago 10 to ease the th foot There Therewas TberJwas Tbrcwaswas a a bump on at his head although the thescalp tla tlae1p thescalpscalp was not cut He said he did not notknow notkawow notksicknow hew he got it itThe it itThe itTheThe police theory Is that Clark wa W88 sit sitting sittins sitthigting on the park wall with the woman womanand WOQUtand womansadand that th M two tumbled mWed over They Theythink ThYUatk Theythinkthink the woman woma landed flest and thai thaiClark theClark thtClarkClark fell h his head And thus getting etUn the bump The Theankle TlteIU1kk Theankleankle they t think thJ k was wa spraJeed by the thefall tlMfaU thefallfall fallCoronerCoroner Shrady ShM Kent eDt t a policeman down downto downto downtoto Governors Island 1 to find the tb corporal corporalwith cerpor1with corporalwithwith whom whol Clark bad a drink Clark Clarkwaa Clarkwu Clarkwaswas sent to the House 1Iou of Detention to to toheld btheld beheldheld as a witness wl when wh the inquest oc ocKILLED ocCUD cccursCUD CUDKILLEDKILLED VICTIM VICTIM VICTThiWITH WITH AX AXWhite AXhVhlte AXWhiteWhite Horse Murderer Caught in inChicago inI InCh1cngoIChicago After Two Years YearsChicago 1enrlfCltlclzo YearsChicagoChicago Oct t 29 tUCbargoc1 Charge der committed In 1M Frank Sastnjan n a awandering awandering awanderingwandering hor ho horse e trader was arrested at atthe attho atthethe postoffice while asking IUiktn for mall ad addressed addrCEOO addrescod dressed to T V Foster The Tl police re received re received received ceived their information through a airs airsBcntlcy MraBcntlc MrsBentleyBentley with whom Saasmnn was u travel traveling tra travellag l lIn lag In through Missouri at the time the tksmurder theIn1lrder tilemurdermurder was committed oonlll ttM The victim victimJames TfetbnJames victimJamesJames Miller a ii member of the G A A R Rsixtyfour R RtYfoof Hsixtytoursixtyfour tYfoof years oW met iet Saseman u and andMr and41t8 andrs41t8 Mr rs T5entk BentJcay y several days day before be was waskilled waskilled wasidliadkilled He 1I te bad some property anti was wasat wasill wasatat ill once invited > to Join them in their theirpilgrimage UlflrIJllgrlntng theirHirinagpilgrimage pilgrimageNear IJllgrlntngNeftr HirinagNearNear Holden Mo o it Is alleged that thatSnsstiwn thatSUsstllnn thatSnasulinriSnsstiwn kilted kflle Millar with ah ax sold soldHis ioldItlf soldilsHis property and started for Kaaaas I Ka j City CityTha CIt CItThe CityThuThe G A R It t teak ok up the search offered offereda ofttlfedW1a IRK reward Wtlrd for the fngiti f fugitive thf and eve created cte cteat evesLed sLed at such exeiieintiit hal Mrs Beatley Beatleybdctcmo Deatleyb Beat1e Beat1ebecamebecame b Cttmo frightened and left ft her com companion companion coinpanion panionAt panionAt panion panionAtAt Kansa City Sassman himself be became bealRM became came so much alarmed al rmed that b ho swam the theriver thet1ver theriverriver Into Kaneati anses Ou the Kansas side sidetie tilde1te sidelietie met a policeman who wan W 1 so suspi suspiolotis sUNploJoue suspicloneclone that when Susman bought a rail railroad rallrOA1 railroad road ticket the bluccout blu t took the some sometrain ametrain sametraintrain to follow him 1 Salman Sa book off offpursnit oKpurs oftpuradhtpursnit purs it by b leaping from th tINt train while whileIt wbUtIt whlkItIt was running at a high rate of ofand fpeed fpeedand pecdandand dually flnaIl came to Chicago ChicagoHo ChlCaJoH ChicagoHeHo H admits that h hfLhltt Jias four wives The Thekilling ThekUUng Thekillingkilling of Miller was known as the thewftUe theOW thewltcOW wftUe tc horse murder l11urtI r Salman S m n having fing fingnbeen n traveling with a team of 0 white wbltoliorsss wbito11orse8 whiteboliorsss bo soa and d was widely advertised advertisedthrough a a4verudthrough ert1sed ert1sedthroughthrough tho G A Rs efforts e ort to capture capturethe capturet capturethethe t e criminalct1minelUcrtldHerald Want Vnn Ada Adawill 4dsscSi d dwUIwill be received r ved at CsstaUs Cast9Jl Pharmacy Pharmac11tlIlth and Irvine Irvlnp Irvh ets nw and ai promptly promptlyorI forwarded or arcl I to t the main officeiIAWSER AWSER IMPERILS WAR SHIP SHIPUCOTT sroPUe1TT SHIPhearUCOTT hear Steel VCahle ailc Tangled In the theGeorarla tbeGeoreIa theGeorgiasGeorarla Phopellcr Shaft ShaftBoeton SllattBoston ShaftBostonBoston Mass Iass Oct 29 29A A peculiar sect accident jdent sectdent dent resulted In the battle ship Georgia Georgiabdlner GeorgJnbohg Georgiabeingbeing placed plae d in the n new w dry dock at the thanavy Us Uspay theflftvnavy pay flftv yard rd today Whtm the big ship loft loftthe IoCtthe lOftthethe yard of her builders bu l or at Bath B th six exweek sxweeks sixweeksweeks ago to coma to this port portoarleR some somecareless someearulesscareless employees mpley accidentally cast oil oilboth otrbot ottbothboth bot t onds endsof of a 3jneli nel steel cable and an it itfoil itfoil Itfellfoil Into t the o water and sank sankEffort aank aankBrtortta sankmrfortsEffort were made mad to locate locat It It hut they theyWife tlMrWlro thiywarWife war fruitless frulU Believing tha hawser had hadgone hone hadsongone son one to tile bottom Jlte > lte hi ship came c1 to Use tbeyartf UIeud Use7sfyartf 7sf all right rifbtKo rtptNo rightMoKo trouble was neUeod on the way wa up upthe upthe upthethe coast end the th onglnea opsl propellers and androdder andrudder andrudderrudder worked all right However a w ver a few fewdays fewda7 fewdaysdays da7 ago a diver was s sent ent nt down to ex exAjnlne exunlne oxsmutssmuts the ships bottom and wa was great greatly greatly ly surprised surpr led to find the heavy cabin cablawound c 1tJawound cabinwoundwound around the port propeller propelf shaft shaftand hartand shiftandand apparently badly tangled tAn led up with it itNaval it itNaVIJ itNavalNaval officers oMce think it rather ratbcIJeCltHar ratbcIJeCltHarthat iwcnHar iwcnHarthat uiecsdarthatthat the accident did not result re ull more serf serfousiy IterOUIIIy serfoilyousiy ousiyOVEEBUN OUIIIyOVERRUN oilyOVERRUNOVERRUN WITH DESERTERS DESBETEESNorfolk DESERTERSNortoik DESERTERSorfoJkNortoik Norfolk I 18 Unable to Get Rid of the theUndesirable theUndQfiJrah1e thetjndoslrablcUndesirable Clans ClaBeComplaJDt ClaseComplaint ClansComplaintComplaint is JoinS made de at Norfolk NorfolkVa NorfolkVa NorfolkVaVa of the unusually large number of ofdeserters ofdeaertertJ ofdesertersdeserters from tbe navy that Are hanging hangingabout chagabont hangingaboutabout the towa The increase is said to tobe tobe tobebe due to changes CMOS that t were made re recently re recenU7 recostly costly in the notice regulations regulationsUnder rsulatloRVuder regulationsUnderUnder the old 1eI rules rul arrests ta df deserters deserterswere deHlenwere deserterswerewere made by substitute officers of the thepolice tMpolice thepolicepolice force t Criticism w wee made mad of the themethods tJlamethode themethodsmethods used used by these officers and this thteopposition thisoppo thisoppositionopposition oppo resulted fa the p nbc > Hee board boardordering boanlorderln boardorderingordering arrests arTeM8i arrestsSince arrestsSincei Since then the t1a city elt has been unable to terid toI toridI rid itself of the deserters who are re regarded re rei togarded i garded as an especially 1lIY undesirable WMte lrabie class classIt el elIt classItIt is t estimated there are at least KM de deserters de delarttrs diaerters serters in Norfolk ornoIk at present presentAD3VHEAL pN8CntAD1r presentADMIRALADMIRAL AD1r AL EVANS HERE HEEEPut HEREI HERElt24 HEREIutaIPut lt24 In Much Time with Xnvy a Dcr Dcrparlment Dc DcItarlment Dciurtmentparlment Officials OfficialsRear OfficialsRearRear Admiral iSvans Bv arrived in Wash Washington Washhsgton VUkJMtmIa1 ington yesterday and put In most of the tbettaad thI thettiaI t ttaad in conference at the Niavy Depart Departntent Departto D ptrt ptrttntent to t He left his flagship the Maine M at atNew atNew atNewNew York This vessel el is to be succeeded succeededsoon aucceededeG succeededsooneG soon by the newest pride of the navy navythe na nai navythethe Cowusctfcttt c ii At uttfc dc Sleet The Connecticut which ch is isnow Isi isnowi now being mad reedy y for sea service servtoewill V1ceI servicewillI will be in commission ULlnt mstest within a few fewweeks tewweeu fewweeksweeks weeksAdmiral weeksAdmiralI Admiral Evans eonferaae w was e cafeftr cafeftrfor cideft7I chioftyforfor the purpose of determining nlD what whatshould wlaatabould whatshouldshould b be done with several vessels of ofbis ofIlls ofhisI Ills command COIIUIt which whI4 are being repaired repairedand IIIPIndaad repairedandand overhauled at tile various Y navy navyyards sav savyards YT YTprclyards yardsENGLISH prclENGLISH yardsENGLISHENGLISH FLAG FbA ON U S SHIP SHIPUnion SHIPUnion SHIPUnionUnion Jaok and British Ensign EnsignFloat EnsignFIORt EnsignFloatFloat from Same Vessel VesselSteamer VesselSteanler VesselSteamerSteamer Jacob Bright Chartered as asn anan Transport to Rush Troops to toCnlm toCubaCuba but IK Sow ow Discharged Dbol1atgcdNew DischargedNe DlachnrgcdNewNew Ne T York rk Oct 21 STbe Tbe novelty of a aUnited aUDlt4Id aUnitedUnited States transport flying Y1 the Brit Brttfcb BrkJ Britlablab teg do today attracted the atteatkM attelttlGjli of ofpeople ofpeople ofpeoplepeople along the water The steamer sISiDSJiSb Ja J ob Bright arrived here herefnssa 1M 1Mtrem her herfesesfnssa Havana 118 with the British ensign fly flyteg fI3bet y ytagtag from her r after af tUigetaff na and the uaof ert erters esiorgers of the United States Quartermasters QuartermastersDeparaneot QuartermastersDppartmsatDeparaneot hoisted bo to lei main tntck tntckIt truclItIt war such a stnutg aaa eombinatioa COI of ofnautical orJlauucJ ofnautisalnautical interests a that some of the beach beacbcombers 1Nacbcomber beachcomberscombers along South Brooklyn rubbed rubbedtheir rmbeIItbclr rubbedtheirtheir eye eyes to t4 make sur sure that they theynot went went110t werenotnot deceived deceivedOne deceivedOne ved vedODeOne tf f the t best known Do admiralty law lawyers 1wyen lawv1s yen in the city said Id OOIs Is it posBfbk posBfbkwhen JMMII1AkwbeD poadhicwhetwhen be saw sa w the strange occurrence occurrenceThen OCC1IIftaoetile occurrenoeThenThen the lawyer added addedTbe addedJcIea addedrilerile idea of the United States havl havla having havblgaa transport flying a foreign Sag is against againstall asamlltaU againstsitall law and order not to apeak of the tbeeffect theeffect theeffecteffect It may have upon delicate patriotic patriotknerves ptrIoUcnerw patrioticnervesnerves It seems odd fHW and isd It te odd oddAn 04IdII oddAAn A official of the Quartermasters Quarten astera De Department DeMIIUIMDt Dopertinent pertinent offered tide explanation of the tbefact thef thefactfact f tbat tbe Bright is flying the British Britishflag BriUshftaa jtIsh jtIshftagflag flagWeWe chartered tile Bright because we wewere wewere wewerewere in a a hurry to get troop ships The TheBright TIMBrtPt TheBrightBright has fulUed her mission and andalthough andaltbouth andalthoughalthough she arrived here consigned to tothe toue tothethe department she is to be discharged dischargedtoday dischargedtoday ed edtodaytoday todayFISKEFISKE SUCCEEDS GALT GAITCommander GALTConullDuder GALTCommanderCommander of Arkansas Scares Leacstltc LeacstltcZl1onltor the theMonitor theMonMonitor Mon ttor for Courtmartial Duty DutySpecial Dut DutSIiat DutysSpecial s to Tin iuafeEt liti lltnM lltnMAnnapolis lltn lltnaapo1la ilindAnnapolisAnnapolis aapo1la Md Oct 5ComlnDder Cootmaader K KB R RH HHH Gait of the United States Navy u todaY todaYlecdve4 teds tedstecelved > da daleceivedleceived orders detacWng aim from com command command cornmand mand of the Us monitor Arkansas S eon of ofthe ofthe ofthethe practice ships In use at the Naval NavalAcademy NavalA NavalAcademyAcademy A to duty as a a member of a court courtmartial courtmarUal courtmartialmartial to be assembled at the Norfolk NorfolkNavy NorfolkNaVY NorfolkNavyNavy Yard YardCommander YardCominPd YardCommanderCommander r Bradley A A Flake will sue succeed suetEftl suecied ceed Commander Glt in command of tlw tlwArkansas tMArkauas tiruArkansasArkansas Commander Gait will proceed proceedto proc proctoto Norfolk as soon as his hi relief reports reportsatat the Naval Academy AcademyDrovrncd AcadamyDrownecl AcademyDrownedDrowned Marine Burled Here HereThe JlereThe hereTheThe remains of Joseph P po McEneany McEneanylate McEndn3late McEneanylate aJ and plans for the th installa installation hsta1lUon Instalitilea lea on board the Wyoming of the foolS tmsOHties faidJtie foolStiesties tie fm O storing and burnim burning oil lI as fuel tue1arc fuelarc tnclarcarc being h lng examine 4 xarnln t at the Navy Depart Department Departmnt Department ment From these tests tIle department departmntwfU departmentwill departmentwillwill endeavor to arrive at the t desirability desirabilityofof using oil a ItK n fuel It is understood understoodthat undelRtoothat understoodthatthat 1dl l5t IIO X i will brt required to install the theaccommodations tb tbac theaeeomrnodutkxioaccommodations ac OmlnoelDt for carrying rrylng the oil and and7fo andKiJH1 and7O7fo for f burners piping and pumps pumpsBarber pumpBnrlser pumpsBarberBarber Outs Oqts HI His Throat ThroatCumberland Throatto0 The tashIetose all allCUQlberiaftd Utnild UtnildCuwberiandCumberland Md Oct OCt O t aCharlea aCharleaKraft LChar1esKiaft charle9 charle9KrattKraft Kratt fortythree late proprIetor of the thebarber th thba Uscbarberba barber chop hop in ttte Wal WaJaIt H Building Bundl out cutUs outbJl5 outhisUs throat tonight to night at his home bon e He Is Isstill fasun s sstillstill living but th the doctors have IJtUe IJtUehope IttUeI ltUehopehope an artery ar err being severed Kraft was wastbe wastbe wastheI tbe proprietor proprl itor i I h here re but was t 38 obliged l to sell Domestic Domestictroubles Domcst4cteeb1esI troubles tN Ub however are given as cause ca for forhis forihisJ ihis his actRETIRE OLYMPIA ANDTDXAS ANDTDXASTwo ARD PEliS PEliSTwoTwo Pamous Pigkttnl PigI tt Slip Shi to toQut Go GoOut GoOutOut of Oommisicin OommisicinCruiser Oommias on onCruiser n nCruiserCruiser Will UI Become Training Ship Shipat Shhnt Shipatat nt Xorfolkc orrolkUattIn llattlo tt1Q Ship lrije lia Ims Long LongJleen LonsnJleen n en Knoivn K1 nOn onn as n fUoodoo fUoodooTwo JUooclooTwo UootlooTwoiTwo of the cbs famous ships uf t UnuU s bifnS > an > s stty5557 tty 7 ar itO ro seen eoa to s pout ga out of active a s Hn1l Hn1lDlO arvIcme rvK rvKto >DlO me to the rtttred Mst Tt e They y are vi vicruiser til tilttul8er UiCruisercruiser Olympia O pIa of Manila battl fan fumand fan1t fan1taM fanandand tIM th battle ship Texas Tn lang Ion known knownand knownNI4 knownsadand droadnd among the navies navies fie as th thhoodoo t the thehOodoo b b1Ioodoohoodoo ship shipTbe shiprho bp bpTileTile cruiser is to become a training trainingship tra trainingskip n n naldpship for the Marine Corps after in n hon bonomWe honoraWe honoiIiIeomWe career of over thirteen years y r HP HPretirement H r rretttenKut rrttrementretirement from the active register te tesurprbftf 1ato 1 a asirpdssurprbftf sirpds to those tho who bare seen her an anchored ancb anchared red f recently at Ute Norfolk Navy NavyYard NapYud Nav NavYardYard for she hc still looks Ute cepabl cepablfigfetor ceblsJahbtr cr4blakfigfetor ak tbat sne abe did when Bile carrier carrierAdmiral carr carrieti4dmhl ffi ffi44lralAdmiral Dcwey Dc into the harbor of ofManiie ofMantle ofWaniheMantle But the t demands of modern modernnavies modorinavies T1 T1na1esnavies change e too rapidly for the retcn retcnUoti NtcnUOn retcntheethee of a snip IIbt which baa been as useful usefulas uaefuU usefulasas the Olympia has for so many years yearsand year8Jitd yearsandand it is f forced to make way 87 for the new newcomers ne neeoraers newcorners comers Already the topmasts have been beentakan beent beentakentaken t ken dawn and all but her eigbtinci eigbtinciRMW efcbtIncilreMOK etgbtincgunoRMW removed together with her stores storesand storesand torefJaDdand most of the fixed weigats In her Hull HullQuarters bunQUfLrt hullQuartersQuarters QUfLrt 11I a7e re to be provided roded for a largo largoCrew larg largCltw lsrgcrowCrew end ad the officers who are ar to have havecharge hafd havechargecharge d of the b cadets that will get et thou tbeiiInstruction th thouInstruction I IJnatruclJonInstruction on her but outwardly th thcrnlHors the thocrulrt thecruiserscruisers appearance will not bo greatly greatlychanged anaUyehaIU1Kl greatlyebsagdchanged changedThe ehaIU1KlThe ebsagdTheThe Texas is a little more fortunate fortunatethan fert fortunatethen natfl natflthRAthan the emfeer aa the battle ship has hasbeen haahen hasbeetibeen kept ia active service a little longer longerthrough 1oC8 Iongrthrough r rUarouchthrough the demands caused by th thCuban tM tMC thoCuhan >Cuban C trouble tr uble The work of remodeling remodelingher remodelinchec remode1irfhoiher has been postponed tpoaed until WS there te islonger n nlonger nIongw longer any need for her around Cube Cub and andthn anitlMIn antithenthen MIte too wWl be dismantled and pur purInto purlat putlateInto shape fSsr duty as a receiving ship shipThe shljThe hIf hIfTheThe Texas was v built In lilt 1 from plans planspurchased plan planpmrhued p1anspurchasedpurchased in England As u a shin hlD sh shha shhaUl shhas 1am tome duck of the fleet and the th hoo hoodoo hoodoer hoedoe doer bf hte Prior to the t 9pantob 9pntsbArneri 9pntsbArnerieast Ameri American 1Mrl 1Mrlcan can war she sank quJed quietly at ber dock dockIn dOckIn dockhtIn the New York Navy Nay Yard one day dayThir da daTbtr dayThirThir mteb 1IIhiM mishap > was due to a sea valve valv In Inher 1 1her 1iherher bottom having been accidentally left leftopen leftOpen leftopenopen When she was at length raised raisedthe ra1aedthe raisedthethe men cleaning her bilges found there thereAVP theNftvp ther therflveAVP fat eete which had been living g on onthe onthe onthethe viands of the ceoki CtIOt pantry Tts Ttswere T Tw flioce fliocewerewere w sent to Ca t frana esne with the coir coirpUmeaU COmpUma cOrnpIhiiesttpUmeaU pUma of Capt pt Phfttp tile eommaader eommaaderofof the Texas Flgbtteg Bob acktoowl acltbowlg aetdsowla aetdsowlaedged acktoowledgededged g the gift m lit the following words wordsTbjrakg wordsTlseaks onI onInobTbjrakg They were very good Stiuv Stiuvher S1niher Sin Sinherher again inARMY ARMYORDERS ARMYORDERSLoaves ORDERS ORDERSLoaves ORDERSLOQLoaves LOQ es of Absence AbsencaTbe AbscncoTtte AbsenceThe Qoial Ordors OrdorsSpecial OrdersSpools OrdorsSpecialSpecial orders authorizing authOl Capt CapLhilt 4r 4rtbur As Asthurhilt H MsjcKle M Xte First Infantry Xatiosaii XatiosaiiGuard Xatlt1c NatliGuardGuard c of New Jersey J enler to pursue a coun counin cou1lbt courlin >in military typography at tbe garriapi garriapischool gar garriapschool I I3CboaIschool Poet Jay New ew YdWc Is amettdW amettdWso am amst4 amst4soso as to antborise him to attend the gar garyuan ar arrteon r rrl80ayuan school at Fort Jay Ja for the purpose purpose0C purpoSIoC purpossit0C ooattnutag ooatla eostiauin the regular comic COUI ot otat m mstntctkm isstriletionstntctkm at that school with the allow allowances anwauth aliensace sace ances authorised by law lawFirst law1Inrt lawtFirst t Used Charles C Burt Artillery ArtilleryCorps r reor trtllisryCoriCorps eor Cori fa I addition to his other dudes du wan wiBassume wane willassumeassume charge under instructions of tfQuartermastel f fQuartermaster tbe tbeQuartermasterQuartermaster General of the Anny AnIIFOC AnIIFOCconatruecJott Arn ef efconstruction Ofconeirtiedonconstruction work at Fort Worden Wash Washington W WI Winglon ington I rtttevfmj Second L4eut Cbarisa CbarICJUk CharlisA CharlisAClerk A AClarkClark Artillery Corps of tjiat t duty dutyBrig duqBd dutyBrigBrig Bd Gen Theodore J WinU W llt UMtied UMtiedStates cArnIYl1U lYnlsdStatesStates Army ArnIYl1U will retunC rew accompanied aceompaaWauthorized by byhis byhishis authorized aidsdecamp ca to toNw Ocnsba OcnsbaNabr OahaNebrNabr oy a and d resume command of thin le lepartment De DeINttlMnt Dop5tmentpartment of the Missouri MissouriContract MIsuoilontract Uri UriContractContract Surgeon John H Heracard HeracardUnited H HCnted HsredNtnIsedUnited nIsed States army will proceed te Hot HotSprings trotSprtftp 1otSpringsSprings Ark and report in person to totb tou tothetb u commanding comaiandlugolPcer officer Army nD and aJIIIGaeral Ktory KtoryGeneral NpvyGpneralGeneral Hospital Ho dtal at that place for r rJMQt seat treatmeet seatmentmeet JMQtf meetulai ment4T4T ulai i Jay JL g Hoffer Ordnance Ordnancemetat DajMurt DajMurtraent Dpsrtmeetmeet Will make 11cc not to exceed two twoQaCh vbHtflach TWin TWinaciQaCh aci ach month th during the months of Novem November N Nber Noyembet ber and December De lt DOl and January Jo JoFeiruary JantaryFebruary JanuaryFebruaryFebruary and March 1907 to isVe Richmond RichmondVa Rldl 1 1VAVa on official bnsteejse pertaining rtainl to the tbemanufacture themuutQtu themanufacturemanufacture of ordnjtoice material for die tbeOrdnance dieOrdnance theOrdnanceOrdnance Department DepartmentVeterinarian DepartmeatVeterinarlan DepartmentVeterinarianVeterinarian Walter Fraser Thirteenth ThirteenthCavnlry ThlrteeMhCanIf ThirteenthCavalryCavalry will proceed to Liverpool Eng Saaglnd Englandland for tbe purpose of taking takingk a sir sirweeks ulaweeksweeks k special course in tropical tropIeIdea die disease ea ease of animate am at the Usdvarslty UaIrst of ofLiverpool ofLhC ofLiverpoolLiverpool LhC pool and upon the CompletTen 1 of ofthte ofthis oftisisthis duty will return to his proper pIGpfJIItJon it itlion ta taUonlion UonContract lionContracttJonContrActContract Surgeon S IeOn WIIHam H I Hicbaxd 1UCIIdPOn Hicbaxdpon RIcbz RIcbzsonpon U S A A te relieved from the tbeoperattcm further furtheroperation furtroperatIonoperation of paragr paragraph 11 Special Oni CriNo OrdNo rs rsNoNo 38 6 October i MW War Depsrtai Department DepartmaIUHt Departmentand nt ntMMMM and paragraph Special Orders Iso O OOcwkr SO SOOctober 311OctoberOctober l 12 1JOS lIl War Var Department t sad asjdwill aditftl sadrIllwill rejoin Ms ppoper p pel station at Biit BiitShsrWan P iL iLSheridan t tSiWkltmSheridan Illinois I1UaoiLNPiVY 110045NAVY IllinoisNAVYNAVY NPiVY ORDER OESEESCapt ORDERCapt ORDERSCaptCapt J B B i Boiler retk retired detae detaeduty detMl1tetl detMl1tetlduly detashddutyduty at navy yard Norfolk N r Gt Va to navy nftirryard Dtnyard navyyardyard New w York York N Y Car courtmartliJ courtmartliJduty courtmartJ11duty courtmarthddutyduty dutyCommander dutyCommanderdutyCoQUnaDderCommander K R H JI Gait GtIIt detached d duty in incommand incommttnd Incommendcommand of Arkansas to navy yard yardNorfolk nrd nrdrflk yardNorfolkNorfolk rflk Va ta for eomptrmartial cow r duty dutyCommander dutCommaftder dutyCommanderCommander B A A lIKe detached duty dutyIn dut dutIn dutyInIn command c nunaad lId of Minneapolis when placed placedout pla placedout od odoatout of commssien copust to command Arkansas ArkansasLieut ArkauLieut ArkansasLieutLieut D W Wortabaugh to Georgia Georgiaas Oeo Oeoasas ordnance offtcer offtcerLieut omeerLieu olilcerLImitLieu J R R Qombs O detached etacMdJn Wash Washington WcbIngtO Jn ington to tx t Naval Hospital PhUadelphla PhUadelphlaPa PbUHelpblaPLPa for treatment treatmenLEnsign treatmentEaslgu treatmentEnsignEnsign O F Cooper detached Mlnno Mlnnoapolfs Onn Onnapol Mlnnqspoilsspoils apol to Washington WashingtonAar WashingtonWar asb ton tonWarWar War Machinist E E G AJUeck AJIIect detached detachedMinneapolis detacbc4MlameapoUs deCb4MiuniapoUsMinneapolis when placed place out of com commission commitalon cornmission mission to home and wait orders ordersWar ordersWar ordersWarWar Machinist G O Littleneld d dtached dtached dinchedtached Minneapolis when placed laced out outcommission out > t tcommission tconunlesloncommission to home and wait orders ordersXAVAL ordenSA ordersNAVALNAVAL SA VAL V13SSBL aSSEL 3IOVB3nasTS 3IOVB3nasTSArrived JfOBJrTSArrhedM MOVB3IRNTSArrivedMinneapolIsArrived ArrhedM ArrivedMinneapolIs Minneapolis at League Island IslandNewark lslaujKewark IslalAiNewarkNewark and Apache pacht ui navy avy yard N NYork SYork XYork York Eagle Ea at Norfolk orfolk from Hamptoti HamptotiJloeds HamptIJoads Hamptnloadsloads oads Drnver at t Norfolk Dixie 41 Ht HtUontt tt ttMonte 1 1MonteMonte Christi from Cnjebra Cntebra Paul Joiri Joiriand J JO14and 1 1ndand nd Pnb Prebb at utia 4 Mar dare i Island Wisconsin Wisconsinat WscoDslat tsconsl tsconslatat Bremerton Rainbow at Cavitc CavitcSailed CaitcSaUedXEMJ1Orl CaviteSalIedNewportSailed SaUedXEMJ1Orl Newport from Sanchez SaDeb for or Bof Bofton 13oftoa B Btonton Don Joan de Austria and Sterling Sterlingrom SterllrrQRl SterInrqmrom rQRl Sanchegc E for Monte Christi Marlett Marlettfrom Jdar1eHfrom I Ifromfrom Sanchez to Santo Domingo City CityScorpion CIt CItScorpion CliScorpionScorpion from Monte ont O C1n Cheial ritl ttto to San luau JuaiPuducah 1uuPducah luauPaducabPuducah from from Sanchez for furLOtut or LefIUEls1aDd LefIUEls1aDdYoung League IslandYonjig Island IslandYoungYoung Author Drorraod DrorraodAltftona DroUJtodAJt DrowaodAlteonaAltftona IIa Pa Oct i Bayard Gable GabteHs Gableiged k ktWiIntthreeHs iged d twtntythree of this city while on onsailing ona onaa a sailing lUng vessel bound from rom New Scwford Bed Bedford Bdfordford Mass to Buenos Ayres yres gathering gatheringmaterial sathermAmaterlai gather1gmaterialmaterial for If a book of the sea ea evidently evidentlyfell evldMtltell evldntIfellfell overboard ver rd and was drowned Word Wordof W rd rduf i iofof the accident a etdeat wa nsn a8 received reoe1 today tod by hi hifather ht htfather hisfatherfather W W F7 F G G Gable blaI

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