Work in Compatibility Mode You can open a workbook that was created in an earlier version of Excel and work in Compatibility Mode so that the workbook remains in a file format that can easily be opened again in the earlier version. Compatibility mode is not available for Excel 2007 workbooks.
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What it means Beginning with Excel 2007, you have the option to display different header and footer text on even pages or on the first page. In Excel 97-2003, even page or first page headers and footers cannot be displayed, but they remain available for display when you open the workbook in Excel 2007 and later again.
What it means Beginning with Excel 2007, you can use 64,000 unique cell formats, but in Excel 97-2003, you can only use up to 4,000 unique cell formats. Unique cell formats include any specific combination of formatting that is applied in a workbook.
However, all sort state information remains available in the workbook and is applied when the workbook is opened again in Excel 2007 and later, unless the sort state information is edited in Excel 97-2003.
What it means Beginning with Excel 2007, you can apply filters that are not supported in Excel 97-2003. To avoid losing filter functionality, you may want to clear the filter before you save the workbook in an earlier Excel file format. In Excel 97-2003, you can then filter the data manually.
However, all filter state information remains available in the workbook and is applied when the workbook is opened again in Excel 2007 and later, unless the filter state information is edited in Excel 97-2003.
What it means Beginning with Excel 2007, you can filter data by more than two criteria. To avoid losing filter functionality, you may want to clear the filter before you save the workbook in an earlier Excel file format. In Excel 97-2003, you can then filter the data manually.
What it means Beginning with Excel 2007, you can filter dates by a grouped hierarchy. Because this is not supported in Excel 97-2003, you may want to ungroup the hierarchy of dates. To avoid losing filter functionality, you may want to clear the filter before you save the workbook in an earlier Excel file format.
What it means Beginning with Excel 2007, workbook arrays that refer to other worksheets are limited only by available memory, but in Excel 97-2003, worksheets can only contain up to 65,472 workbook arrays that refer to other worksheets. Workbook arrays beyond the maximum limit will be converted to and display #VALUE! errors.
What it means Beginning with Excel 2007, the maximum length of formula contents is 8,192 characters, and the maximum internal formula length is 16,384 bytes. In Excel 97-2003, the maximum length of formula contents is 1,024 characters, and the maximum internal formula length is 1,800 bytes. When the combination of formula arguments (including values, references, and/or names) exceeds the maximum limits of Excel 97-2003, the formulas will result in #VALUE! errors when you save the workbook to an earlier Excel file format.
What it means Beginning with Excel 2007, new and renamed functions were added. Because these functions are not available in Excel 97-2003, they will return a #NAME? error instead of the expected results when the workbook is opened in the earlier version of Excel..
What it means Beginning with Excel 2007, you can use structured references to make it much easier and more intuitive to work with table data when you are using formulas that reference a table, either portions of a table, or the entire table. This feature is not supported in Excel 97-2003, and structured references will be converted to cell references.
Some formulas contain references to tables in other workbooks that are not currently open in this instance of Excel. These references will be converted to #REF on save to Excel 97-2003 format because they cannot be converted to sheet references.
What it means Beginning with Excel 2007, you can use structured references to make it much easier and more intuitive to work with table data when you are using formulas that reference a table, either portions of a table, or the entire table. This feature is not supported in Excel 97-2003, and structured references will be converted to cell references. However, if the structured references point to tables in other workbooks that are not currently open, they will be converted to and displayed as #REF errors.
What to do In the Compatibility Checker, click Find to locate the cells that contain formulas with structured references to tables in other workbooks so that you can change them to avoid #REF errors.
One or more defined names in this workbook contain formulas that use more than the 255 characters allowed in the selected file format. These formulas will be saved but will be truncated when edited in earlier versions of Excel.
Some formulas in this workbook are linked to other workbooks that are closed. When these formulas are recalculated in earlier versions of Excel without opening the linked workbooks, characters beyond the 255-character limit cannot be returned.
What it means When formulas in a workbook are linked to other workbooks that are closed, they can only display up to 255 characters when they are recalculated in Excel 97-2003. The formula results might be truncated.
What to do Find the cells that contain formulas that link to other workbooks that are closed so that you can verify the links and make the necessary changes to avoid truncated formula results in Excel 97-2003.
What it means Beginning with Excel 2010, you can use array formulas that contain elements for more than 256 columns and 65536 rows. In Excel 2007, this exceeds the limit for array elements and might return different results.
One or more cells in this workbook contain conditional formatting using the 'Text that contains' format with a cell reference or formula. These conditional formats will not be supported in earlier versions of Excel.
When you open a workbook in Excel 2007 or later that was created in Excel 97-2003, some features of the earlier version of Excel are not supported in the workbook. Unsupported features have either been replaced by new features and functionality, or they have been removed because they were rarely used.
Names that are used for lists in earlier versions of Excel might not meet the requirements for range names in Excel 2007 and later, and therefore cannot be used for referencing the table in formulas that use the new structured referencing feature. To use table names in structured references, you must change the defined names.
Converting a workbook from an earlier version of Excel to the Excel 2007 and later file format can cause problems when full row or column references are used in that workbook, and data that was not meant to be included in the references has been entered in cells that are beyond the row and column limit of the earlier version of Excel.
When incompatible names are found when you convert a workbook from an earlier version of Excel to the Excel 2007 and later file format, you will be alerted about the conflict. To differentiate these names from cell references, an underscore (_) is automatically added as a prefix to the incompatible names.
Names used for PivotTable reports in earlier versions of Excel might not meet the requirements for range names in Excel 2007 and later, and therefore cannot be used for referencing a table in formulas that use the new structured referencing feature. To use PivotTable report names in structured references, you must change the defined names.
When you convert a workbook from an earlier version of Excel to the Excel 2007 and later file format, only the filtering options that are available in Excel 2003 PivotTable reports will be available in Excel 2007 and later PivotTable reports, because the earlier versions of SQL Server Analysis Services do not support sub-selects.
When you convert a workbook from an earlier version of Excel to the Excel 2007 and later file format, the custom labels and item formatting are applied when you collapse fields. Custom labels are always available in the workbook, even when fields are removed from the PivotTable reports, and then added again at a later time.
Office 2007 and later no longer stores Excel-specific feature information in this file format. You can open a file in this format, preserving any Excel-specific features that were created in an earlier version of Excel. However, you can save such a file (or any other workbook) in this file format for publishing purposes only. 2ff7e9595c