Every Minecraft player knows about the sad story of the Titanic and for that reason Titanic Map will bring you in a virtual world where you can explore the Titanic ship. Even if the sad accident happened back into 14th April 1912 the Titanic was the largest ship that has ever been built. And for that reason, it is a part of the history because once it sunken, many people died because titanic had just some limited numbers of rescue boats due to the fact that people believed it is unsinkable.
The maps do not always contain huge territories. At times the game fans create truly unique examples and provide us with the opportunity to walk through them. This time you will have to use the Tanker Ships map for Minecraft that is full of various details.
Titanic Maps For Minecraft
Well, an infinite world like in "Minecraft" or "Terraria" is impossible, because these games make things happen only around the player or camera, more distant civilizations would stand still for example, but they could at least let us choose the size of the world, like, the titanic has X height and X wide, they could inform us of this size next to the names in the default worlds and leave down there the option "Custom World" and then we could choose the size of the world 2ff7e9595c