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Topspeed odbc driver: How to connect to TopSpeed format data (.TPS) files


The ODBC driver's architecture is 32-bit, which means it can only be used with a 32-bit application. This is because an application and its libraries (e.g. the ODBC Driver and the ODBC Driver Manager the application uses to load the ODBC Driver) must all be the same architecture.

Topspeed odbc driver

More and more, end users are getting sophisticated at sharing betweenapplications, and users want access to data in custom applications.Sometimes, the need is for custom reporting that goes beyond basicreporting tools capabilities: such as pivot tables, scientificgraphs, or complicated data warehousing/data modelling analyses.Other times, some simpler, one-shot tasks, such as data export todifferent platforms for use by service bureaus, or one timemail-merge use in a Microsoft Office Wizard, is more sensibly handledat the end user level rather than building various export proceduresin the application. That is what the TopSpeed ODBC driver is for --tasks that are more appropriately handled by the end user than a taskthat belongs in a program developed by a professional developer forthe end user.You can download beta copies of both the 16- or 32-bit drivers now;however, these betas will time-out at the end of June 1997.The TopSpeed ODBC driver will be available in July 1997. Pricing isbased on a "per user" basis. The final price of the driver will be$199 for an initial 5-pack, $299 for a 10-pack and $499 for a 20-pack. Call 800-354-5444 for pricing onhigher volumes or to place an order. For orders outside the UnitedStates, contact your local distributor.You can download the Beta from:CompuServe:GO TopSpeedLibrary 19 [Demo Programs], the filename is,267 KB)WWW:point your Browser to and clickon the link for the TopSpeed ODBC Beta.(1,267 KB)FTP: (1,267 KB)Jim+============================================================> Jim DeFabia TopSpeed Corporation-Documentation Standard Disclaimer: These opinions are mine & mine alone. +============================================================>

I am planning to write a C# application. This application will need to access some 30 TPS files (read/write). Hence, I was thinking of using the Topspeed ODBC driver. Does anyone foresee an issue with this approach?

I've been thinking that this can be done via PyODBC & SQLalchemy, but I don't know anything about this database type. What is the connection string? How can connect a mapped drive into a Ubuntu container? Is there a Linux driver for this or does unixODBC work? I have no idea.

Unfortunately, based on my extensive research, there is no Linux driver available, and the driver is NOT FREE. I will not put the driver's website here for legal reasons, though a quick Google search should show you the way to buy it.

As we are using a pyodbc connection, we can also use the pandas read_sql function to get the results back into a DataFrame immediately. Just pass the connection object; in this example, it will be TPS_DB_CONNECTION

SoftVelocity Topspeed ODBC (Read-Only) Driver allows you to access TopSpeed (.TPS) data files. The TopSpeed ODBC driver allows you and your customers to use popular productivity tools including Crystal Reports and Microsoft Excel to connect to TopSpeed databases.

There has been quite a bit of confusion about using the 32 ODBC Administrator and 32 Bit ODBC drivers in 64 bit Operating Systems so I thought I would put together some information to help when using 32 bit ODBC drivers, such as the TopSpeed ODBC driver.

Registry redirection is enabled for this registry subkey. Therefore, systemDSNs for 32-bit drivers and for 64-bit drivers are separated. The 64-bit ODBC Administrator tool does not display the system DSNs that are created by the 32-bit ODBC Administrator tool or that use 32-bit drivers and visa versa.

Not Working: I have added the website in IIS Manager, bind the website(physical path is C:\inetpub\wwwroot\projectFolder ) with the local IPWhen I open that odbctest.php in a browser with local IP I am getting Table NOT Found error.

I have an older application that uses TopSpeed as the database engine. I want to use some of the data contained in these tables in another application that uses SQL. To accomplish this, I purchased the TPS ODBC driver and used Access to move the data from the TPS tables to an SQL database by using the linked tables feature.

I find it is very nice to do technical support and database debugging using Microsoft Access and the TPS ODBC driver. This lets me write SQL queries to examine and explore the database much more quickly than using TopScan or writing custom code.

Although perhaps the two were never meant meet, accessing Topspeed (.TPS) databasetables from Powerbuilder via the ODBC driver from Soft Velocity is possible. In theory,once the configured data source is specified in a Powerbuilder database profile, thedatabase painter (and therefore any applications using the connection syntax of the DBProfile) should be able to read data without any problems. However, the practice is thatthe settings of the default ODBC database profile created do not work properly. When thedatabase is connected to and a table queried, only one row is returned. All other rows inthe table seem to be ignored. This occurs in the database painter as well as in anyapplication using the exported DB profile syntax. The solution is to select the"Cursor Library" option of the Cursor Library field in the Transaction tab ofthe DB profile properties.

ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) is an industry standard that enables a wide variety of software to access data. The basis of ODBC is a standard syntax for SQL queries that is used by software applications to connect to and request data from databases. The ODBC driver, usually provided by the database vendor, accepts requests in this standard syntax and converts the request to the native format that the target database prefers. In effect, the ODBC driver is a translation layer to convert from a general-purpose request to the database-specific request.

For example, the ODBC specification details that dates should be specified in SQL statements by using the syntax: d 'yyyy-mm-dd'. This format is then translated by the driver to the proper date syntax of the actual database. If you use the ODBC connector to connect to an Oracle database, the ODBC connector sends a request to the Oracle ODBC driver in this format:

The ODBC specification includes syntax for making function requests, join syntax, data types, and data type conversions. The SQL language itself supports complex concepts such as nested queries, correlated subqueries, temporary tables, and a variety of functions that can be used in select, where, group by, join clauses, and more. The ODBC driver is responsible for the proper conversion of all these requests to the syntax of the target database.

There are differences in how each database vendor implements capabilities of the ODBC standard. Tableau uses a feature-discovery API in ODBC to question a database driver about the functionality it supports. One example of how Tableau changes behavior based on what the driver reports is the list of functions available when creating a calculated field. Fewer driver limitations means that more functions are available.

Minor limitations. This is a driver that has a small number of non-critical limitations. An example would be a driver that doesn't support the full set of numeric, string, or date functions that Tableau normally makes available. Tableau will modify its behavior to account for these limitations and proceed.

Major limitations. This is a driver that has a large number of limitations or critical capabilities that Tableau relies upon but that are not supported. However, even with these major restrictions, Tableau might be able to connect well enough to create a Tableau extract to retrieve the data into Tableau for further work offline from the database. In this case, Tableau will recommend that you create an extract. When you create the extract, you might not be able to create a filter on the data source to reduce the amount of data in the extract. (For more information, see Filter Data from Data Sources.) After the data has been extracted, full Tableau functionality is available when working with the extract.

Fatal limitations. This is a driver that does not support even the most minimal set of capabilities that Tableau needs in order to connect and run the basic queries to create extract files. Therefore, Tableau is unable to proceed any further with this driver.

After the connection is established, if Tableau has determined that the capabilities available classify this connection as anything less than fully functional, a message is displayed to inform you of the limitations that have been detected. For example, a connection to an ODBC driver with minor limitations displays this message:

Tableau provides no guarantee or warranty that using Tableau with any particular ODBC driver or database will be able to successfully connect and query data. Some ODBC drivers will support the full Tableau interactive experience, while others may work only for creating extracts. Some ODBC drivers might not work with Tableau.

The most common use case for an ODBC connection is to access data specifically to retrieve it into a Tableau extract. Bringing this data into a Tableau extract then allows the full Tableau capabilities to work with the data. Many ODBC drivers support the needed functionality to connect and perform the simpler queries required to perform an extract. Whether you extract all of the data or just select a few columns and set some filters to retrieve a relevant subset, this use of ODBC is a good scenario to keep in mind.

Most database vendors distribute ODBC drivers for use with their databases. Contact your database vendor to obtain the drivers. Additionally there are a number of third party manufacturers of ODBC drivers that can provide drivers for a variety of common databases. 2ff7e9595c

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